Los Angeles Pierce College Football Coach Was Housing 30 Players In A 3-Bedroom House & Charging Ren
© Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
Los Angeles Pierce College is known for pumping out Division I football players, but new allegations have come out against the program’s coach, Carlos Woods, who has been allegedly been

Per Los Angeles Pierce College Roundup...

"They also said last football season, there was a minimum of 30 players who resided together in an apartment building on De Soto Avenue and Vanowen Street. Some players living there said they were kicked out of the apartment due to Woods not paying the rent when he was said to have collected up to $300-$400 from some of the players.

Players who were at Pierce last year explained they slept stacked up in bunk beds and on cots in any available space in the apartment. Once they noticed eviction notices being left on their door, they decided to leave and fend for themselves.

“Coach Woods told me that I was valid to move to L.A. from Orlando, Florida, and that my housing would be set up with other players coming in and returning athletes,” Cordova said. “Woods told me that it would be four to five players in a three bedroom, and we would all split the bills and each pay $350 for rent – everything included.”

He added that once he came to Pierce, it felt like Woods packed almost the whole team in a condo on De Soto Avenue.

“He promised actual living space, and it ended up being like a camp/jail with how many people were living in that house,” Cordova said. “Lines Woods had crossed would be 30 guys in a three-bedroom and almost half of his recruits wouldn’t pay rent and bills wouldn’t be paid.”
(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
user avatar
Uncle Don59 months
I can’t fathom the asswipe they went through at that place.
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km59 months
"Who drank my cold drink?"
user avatar
CFFreak59 months
This is some ratchety shite.
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goodgrin59 months
Gaaaaahh dang! Is this true?
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tiggerthetooth59 months
Probably cant afford rent like many other Californians.
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ExpoTiger59 months
Imagine the smell
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JackieTreehorn59 months
Aftershave and fart
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RedFoxx59 months
30 guys in a three-bedroom. Carlos. I don’t believe this.
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KANDUUU59 months
He Woods though...
user avatar
RedFoxx59 months
It was probably Bosque before he moved here.
user avatar
catfish 6259 months
lol wut
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