Another Look At Ole Miss & Mississippi State's Sideline-Clearing Brawl, Video...
© Matt Bush-USA TODAY Sports
Thursday night's Egg Bowl had a little edge to it between Mississippi State and Ole Miss. Instead of giving thanks, the two teams were giving each other punches to the head at the end of the third quarter...
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And here's what followed. Per Yahoo!...

After the dust settled, unsportsmanlike conduct was called on everyone. Yes, every single player was called for the penalty. Three players from Mississippi State were ejected following the brawl. Ole Miss lost defensive back C.J. Moore for his actions during the fight.

The brawl could wind up having significant implications for Mississippi State.

Oh, and that touchdown … it didn’t even count. The refs determined Ole Miss snapped the ball too late. The touchdown that ignited the brawl never actually happened.
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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trevo_41075 months
obligatory tPos
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TutHillTiger75 months
Well bama gets three free licks. What the hell?
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75503Tiger75 months
Can’t believe they call penalties for punching
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SpartyGator75 months
OM is trash
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tigerfootball1075 months
I see Ole Miss has themselves Chad Kelly 2.0
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Tiger in Texas75 months
I was thinking the same thing!
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offshoretrash75 months
They should just handle the punishment in house....
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WhiskeyPlease75 months
that will get the blood pumping..
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LesnarF575 months
2 teams no one gives a shite about except their parents.
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msudawg120075 months
Yet you’re here posting about them.
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JustLSUit75 months
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