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Location:Central Mississippi
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Registered on:6/21/2014
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[quote]I really want to like him because I respected the way he played the game, but what a scum bag he is/was.[/quote] In all honesty most of our sports "heroes" are pieces of shite. I watched Pete Rose because he was a damn good ballplayer, not for his political views, sex life, or gambling addict...

re: MLB trade deadline thread

Posted by msudawg1200 on 7/26/24 at 5:36 pm
[quote]Get Skenes some offensive help please.[/quote] Pirates aren't adding anything...
[quote]People without talent are left with no choice but to be shocking.[/quote] [quote]are left[/quote] [quote]left[/quote]...

re: My neighbor is a cuck

Posted by msudawg1200 on 7/26/24 at 5:31 pm
[quote]If the wife is attractive you should hit dat[/quote] [quote]fat wife[/quote] Yeah, I don't think she is...
[quote]It’s sad that my young daughter won’t experience the excitement of watching the Olympics like when we did growing up. Yes, and all those freaks can get off my fricking lawn.[/quote] Same here. I was thinking of watching some of it this weekend. Not now. Damn weirdo freaks ruin everything. G...
[quote]It is telling how you Trump zombies just shut down the discussion when presented with countervailing facts. As Trump once said - I like uneducated followers.[/quote] What the hell are you talking about? That's IS the discussion. The bitch is a whore. Did she use sex for profit? Yes, no dou...

re: Ron Pearlman - What a weirdo

Posted by msudawg1200 on 7/24/24 at 5:49 am
Him and his ex-wife. Explains a lot [img]https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2021/10/ron-opal-perlman-73.jpg?quality=75&strip=all[/img] New wife who he was cheating with before his divorce. A few thoughts: Ron is a racist who gave up his black queen for this younger, blond white female...
[quote]you keep that whore crap coming so it can boomerang on you and the rest of the airheads. Brown had been separated from his wife since 1982.[/quote] Bitch is a whore. Period...
[quote] Our government cannot be trusted.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/oc0e_Z622X8AAAAe/al-bundy-the-hell-you-say.png[/img]...
[quote]Dude have you heard what comes out of her mouth? lol[/quote] Kamala Word Salad “Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And in present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment,” “to honor the women who made history throughout history.” ...
[quote]Before opening the thread I assumed it was going to be a trans or some shite[/quote] Thought the same thing. Was actually surprised when I saw LeBron....

re: Biden officially out

Posted by msudawg1200 on 7/21/24 at 2:13 pm
After reading your posts on here and the OT I have come to two conclusions; A- you are a really big dumbass B- you are the biggest troll on the rant C- both A and B I choose C...
[quote]Babe Ruth & Gretzky are the only two athletes that I can think of that came along and revolutionized their sport.[/quote] Lawrence Taylor. The modern offense we have today came about because of the way he played defense....

re: ABC News is a hoot this morning

Posted by msudawg1200 on 7/21/24 at 8:43 am
[quote]That old hag is going to cry so bigly election night. She is terrible.[/quote] And I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it. I can't stand that Obama shill. Nasty, nasty woman....
[quote]Guilty. There’s a striking resemblance to her and that crass, unfunny Schumer woman.[/quote] You forgot disgusting and ugly when describing that Schumer woman...
[quote]Yeah the thing is I can't fully enjoy it bc nothing is guaranteed for us. We're "winning" now but the scoreboard will say 0-0 until Nov 5th[/quote] No, we are up 35 in the middle of the 3rd quarter, and the only way the other side can win is by massive cheating....

re: My Mom is Slipping.

Posted by msudawg1200 on 7/20/24 at 7:04 pm
My mom is almost 77 and has Parkinson's. It hasn't affected her mind one bit. I have a great memory, and in the last few weeksshe has told me a couple things that happened when I was in high school that I forgot about. Her quality of life is going down the crapper. It's going to get where she can't...
I'm a Reds fan, and I'd much rather have had Condon. We need an impact bat, and Condon would've killed it in GABP. Oh well, this once proud organization keeps screwing up as it has the last quarter century. ...