Miami (Ohio) has canceled tonight’s game against Central Michigan Due To Coronavirus Threat
Bob Donnan-USA TODAY Sports
The coronavirus has killed at least 100 people in China and has made its way to the United States, with a few cases being reported here. According to national basketball analyst Jeff Goodman, Miami (Ohio) has canceled tonight’s game against Central Michigan after some students have returned from China showing some potential symptoms...
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Fun times right now, folks.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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CanebreakCajun60 months
F u China and you’re shitty virus
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BrazilBama60 months
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Black n Gold60 months
They pollute, commit atrocities against minorities and political dissidents, commit trademark theft, unlawfully occupy independent lands, spread disease, and drive like shite. They are the modern day Nazis.
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CanebreakCajun60 months
Brasil not Brazil gringo
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BobABooey60 months
The teams should have just played without an audience. It’s happened before because of concerns over spreading diseases. Ridiculous.
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JackieTreehorn60 months
Why in the hell do we continue to let those shitwipes into the country?!
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Datbayoubengal60 months
Why did we allow the students to return? If this was a zombie virus, we'd be fricked.
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RandySavage60 months
Absolutely ridiculous
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RandySavage60 months
Absolutely ridiculous
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