More details about Friday's shooting at Santa Fe High School are coming in. Sophomore Rome Shubert, who is a University of Houston baseball commit, was shot in head and survived. He took to Twitter to share his story...
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Per the Houston Chronicle...

I was sitting doing my work and he walked in, tossed something on the desks behind me,” Shubert said, “and then three loud pops and I jumped under my table and flipped it in front of me and I guess he ran out in the hall and I took off out the back door and when I was running I realized I was shot in the back of my head.”
(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Baseball
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Meauxjeaux81 months
San Fe High School sucks at teaching spelling. Might put out fewer shooters if they focus on academics?
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1981 months
Low velocity tech.
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surgicalvenom81 months
The shooter is going to a Texas State Prison at 18 and weighing about 140lbs. His fate awaiting him is worse than death. He is in for a complete arse pounding, salad tossing horror show. And he deserves it.
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djangochained81 months
Some guys like that
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hill durham81 months
must have a hard head
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Jack Daniel81 months
“Shot in the head but I am completely ok” Wha?!?!
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Bige1181 months
The kid on one hand is very fortunate, and on the other will never be the same. I hope they put that animal in the Cell block he deserves.
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hill durham81 months
hang him on the flag pole cut his throat and bleed him out ..Tell the world that is what will happen in that state if anyone else tries this.
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Bustedsack81 months
Holy shite, the triple post.
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Bige1181 months
The kid on one hand is very fortunate, and on the other will never be the same. I hope they put that animal in the Cell block he deserves.
user avatar
Bige1181 months
The kid on one hand is very fortunate, and on the other will never be the same. I hope they put that animal in the Cell block he deserves.
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bradwieser81 months
Wait what?!
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1981 months
Shooter was a host. Duh-uh.
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