Stuff like this always gets the tears flowing. While honoring U.S. Army veteran and Sergeant 1st Class Luciano Yulfo on Wednesday night, the New York Knicks surprised him with a service dog. Sgt. Yulfo had been on the waiting list for a service dog for 18 months. And feelings...

Filed Under: NBA
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kjntgr99 months
It's a great story, but I didn't come close to crying
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LSUMaverick99 months
More stuff like this and less of Johnny Football being a douche bag
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Woverw99 months
As the parent of a veteran (combat nurse) who currently has a service dog, this pulls at the heart strings. (Larry ='s Winner)
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LSUMaverick99 months
As a woman who spends a LOT of time on this site, I am also shocked there was no mention of the hot daughter lol
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txbd99 months
Didn't even notice when watching. Going to watch it again now, good looking out!
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LSUMaverick99 months
I've been so disgusted seeing all these idiots kneeling for the National Anthem, this is so refreshing!
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TIGRLEE99 months
Why would I cry? Don't get it.
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TeddyPadillac99 months
What is the service dog for?
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LSUMaverick99 months
Service dogs are specially trained to help those who suffer for PTSD, depression, etc
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DoubleDown99 months
I'm being dead honest. We need more videos like this here on Probably in general around the internet too but y'all can't control that. Best way to become better as humans is to be better humans. This video shows us doing just that. Man, that's awesome! Kudos to the Knicks!!!
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airportwhiskey99 months
Agreed. I felt like I needed this one.
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TT999 months
Absolutely, all of us can get behind this.
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Thracken1399 months
who is cutting onions around here......
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