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Danica Patrick Explains Move Into Politics
by Larry Leo
March 23, 20248 Comments

© David Kirouac-USA TODAY Sports
Former NASCAR star Danica Patrick raised eyebrows a few months ago when she decided to move int politics. In recent interview she revealed why....
quote:(The Spun)
According to Patrick, she's not happy with people coming after "our air" and "our kids."
The first part didn't exactly make a ton of sense, but Patrick expanded on the latter - suggesting she wouldn't be in the political arena if not for "the vaccine" or what children are being taught in schools.
"It's one thing to come after adults, because you can have your own rationalization," she told podcaster Isabel Brown in a recent interview. "But when you come after the kids, that's what really pisses people off.
"Whether it was the vaccine or what they were being taught in school … that's where you really fire people up that don't necessarily want to deal with it all and are just living their lives."
Patrick was just "living her life" like she suggested, but wasn't happy with how people "came after the kids."
Filed Under: NASCAR
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