New Snack Lets You Eat Ice Cream Out Of Red Sox Mascot's Crotch
Greg M. Cooper-USA TODAY Sports
The Red Sox now have a fun new sweet treat at Fenway that allows fans to eat ice cream out of their mascot Wally the Green Monster's crotch...
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There might have been better concepts when presenting this idea, just sayin'.
Filed Under: MLB
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aVatiger118 months
As a life long Red Sox fan, I enjoyed this piece, Larry
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EddieHewitt118 months
Bet Larry eats the schit outta these.
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sumtimeitbeslikedat118 months
I is stupidier for redding this naw..

Y cuz I Redd diz? Y, I aks??????!!!!!
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ForeverLSU02118 months
We need to add the ability to upvote/downvote LL's topics of non-interest.
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TheEye118 months
saaaaaawing and a miss
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Rebel Land Shark118 months
That's one mother fricking big crotch
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stonedbegonias118 months
So the "crotch" extends from below the knee to the chest? Got it.
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utstnx118 months
come on are stretching for an article here.
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SECdragonmaster118 months
not even funny.
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lsu2006118 months
Hard-hitting stuff, Larry.
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