I'm sure one of these kids will be an MLB star one day, maybe even two...

Filed Under: MLB
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Crimson1st11 months
Not a home run...didn't go to 1st base. Rudy was off-sides as well.
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LSU$$$11 months
That first baseman flop when he gets plunked.........i'm dying.....
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Thracken1311 months
that was great. from the coach taking the bat to the shin, to the entire infield falling on the ball in a pile, to the 1st baseman getting clocked int he head, to the hitter just roaming the entirety of the field. best flopping I have seen outside of the World Cup or NBA game.
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Mid Iowa Tiger11 months
Batter was out 2 seconds in for being out of the baseline.

Make that little shite run the bases over and over until he pukes. Needs to learn to touch them all.
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Bravo Crimson11 months
Dude is probably 4. Chill
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Timeoday11 months
Kid should have been tossed for causing so much drama.
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Timeoday11 months
Kid should have been tossed for causing so much drama.
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Broham11 months
This is like 10 years old. Can we get new content on here?
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GeauxtigersMs3611 months
Going to a T ball game tonight.
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ConfusedHawgInMO11 months
Runner should be out after his/her/their coach touched 3rd. Teach that little shite a lesson he/she/they won't soon forget.
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Fightin Okra11 months
1st baseman got beamed
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VandyBoysWhistler11 months
He missed first base.
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dstone1211 months
Catcher didn’t miss first baseman tho.
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