You know, just two dudes watching football on a Sunday. Two dudes with six NBA titles apiece, one being the greatest athlete of all time...
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Signal Soldier94 months
OMG they're like us!!!!!
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PeteRose94 months
Jordan's got 2mil on Carolina. Yeah, just like regular dudes.
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TigerSpray94 months
Played defense like freakin' Dobermans.
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BabyTac94 months
I'm going over/under $500,000 total riding on those games being watched.
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ShamelessPel94 months
Scottie's gotta have $500k to gamble for that...and that hurts to say as he's my favorite athlete of all time.
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BabyTac94 months
Yea, Scottie just has a net worth of like $50 million. Poor guy.
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HoarseComeSunday94 months
Dummies have the same game on top screens.
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SammyTiger94 months
Or they have the game on one channel and RedZone on the other.
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Honest Tune94 months
Glad to see they still kick it.
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BCMCubs94 months
But where was Larsa????
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shel31194 months
My setup is more comfortable than MJ's, never woulda guessed.
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Sterling Archer94 months
My first thought was that didn't look comfortable haha
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sicboy94 months
Because I'm sure all that's in there is a few bar stools.
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GeauxGriz94 months
Looks like the outdoor patio to me....
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Mouth94 months
No big deal, Larry? I bet the amount of money on those games is a big deal.
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