
Examining Fournette's brute force:

John Brenkus breaks down Leonard Fournette's jaw-dropping hit on Ole Miss' Deontay Anderson last week.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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ShlikStyck98 months
I don't get it, LF can dominate a guy 1 on 1, but rarely breaks a tackle or takes guys with him in a pile for extra yardage. He just kinda bowls over.
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LSUMaverick98 months
Deontay what a stupid name
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SoulGlo98 months
He bounce
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lafayettelsu98 months
Leonard showed Deontay that he should have chosen LSU over Ole Miss.. LOL
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TailgateTiger98 months
235 lbs of ANGRY! LOL
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BayouTiga98 months
foshizzle: U R such a pussy!!! Maybe you should watch a REALLY good chess match. Aha, so the truth comes out.......U R a pussy ole piss fan lurking around LSU. So fuking sad you people are!!! GTFO
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CSATiger98 months
I will never tire of seeing that
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GRTiger98 months
Are they saying Leonard took it easy on him, or are they saying Deontay is Charmin soft? Experts say: both.
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foshizzle98 months
Lost in all this is the fact that the hit forced LF out of bounds and probably saved a TD. It might as well have been a tackle.
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Grim98 months
Nah. That trucking was a huge momentum builder for LSU and it was all downhill from there for ole miss. Crowd went absolutely berserk
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Gumbo198 months
Making lemonade from lemons foshizzle? LF did not intend to escape the contact or he would have jumped-cut right like we have seen so many times. LF wanted to punish the DB for getting his way to deliver a message, "GTFO of my my way or pay for it!" And it worked as you can see from his 284 yard performance.
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ponchytiger98 months
I will use this one in my physics class today!
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy98 months
Deontae Anderson: "the camera does not add 15 pounds, he really is that huge."
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IvanCCCP98 months
Like to learn!
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PrimeTime Money98 months
I think they are leaving things out. First of all, Usain Bolt has run 27 mph. Secondly, they don't seem to be accounting for Fournette lowering his shoulder and "launching" himself. All of that power compacted into a smaller area of impact is more forceful.
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bakersman98 months
It showed that Bolt's AVERAGE speed is 23.3mph not his top speed
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Flashback98 months
Why don't you do a force diagram for us?
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AlabamasSalaryCap98 months
Sports "Science"
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Ragin' Tiger98 months
Get off the tracks when that train is coming!
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TwoDatBait98 months
In other words, HE DEAD!
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