Les Miles did it again folks...

Here is video of LSU's fake field goal for a touchdown against Florida on Saturday night:

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Barbellthor107 months
Exceptionally straight teeth.
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Zchlsu107 months
Gf damn
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Zchlsu107 months
Is that lacoutures he? She has a jersey with his name on it on ha.
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whoisnickdoobs107 months
Dat blonde doe.
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BayouBlogger107 months
I could tell in his face he wasn't going to kick a field goal. Usually they have a much more relaxed posture and try to align themselves with the goalposts.

Knowing Les from the last 10 1/2 years didn't hurt in figuring this out either.
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BobABooey107 months
Let's cheer St Paul's to victory.
Yell for the blue and gold
We'll watch our foes go trembling by
The Wolves are brave and bold - rah! rah! rah!
Uphold the name and honor
Both on the field and floor
We'll shout "hoorah! hoorah! hoorah!"
St Paul's for ever more! HEY!
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