Filed Under: LSU Football
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OceanMan46 months
Saturday night? Thought it was 2:30 kick
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Deltatiger46 months
Who was the narrator?
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DamnStrong46 months
Sounds like coach John Robinson
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sml7146 months
Hype videos are retarded.
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skullopener46 months
O said "pelini held the offense to 24 in we take it as an improvement".
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GeauxsomeMeaux46 months
What about the scuffle between their players and our band?
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Epaminondas46 months
No Flynn to Byrd?
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BayouENGR46 months
Um, the rivalry doesn't continue on Saturday night- the game's at 2:30 CST. Hopefully we've beaten them before the sun sets in the western sky!
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CanebreakCajun46 months
They finally got it right. Good job.
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GeauxGutsy46 months
Oh hell yeah- Great video!
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