Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
In case you missed it, LSU quarterback Brandon Harris threw a nice touchdown pass the wide receiver D.J. Chark during LSU's scrimmage Saturday at Tiger Stadium.

Harris had to scramble around and then got off a nice deep pass and hit Chark in stride for a TD.

Watch the video here.

Filed Under: LSU Football
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cas4t118 months
"So what do yall think about his pocket presence?"

I think this is one pass from one scrimmage.
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So what do yall think about his pocket presence?
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Quid Pro Quo118 months
Ramble young man Ramble: BH the Gunslinger, a cannon, quick release, fast feet, quick reads. This all takes place in front of Miles and Jennings. Slowing down the original video, 1 second to look left, 1 second to run left, 1 second to spin and reverse back, 1 second to stop, locate a receiver, set up, and 1/2 sec to fire a 50-55+ yd pass to DJ that gets there in a shade over 2 seconds = ball speed ~ 52-56 mph - as fast as it EVER gets on a long throw. DJ is the same size and wt as KTII, 6'2" 185, but he has been timed at 4.4 and KT 4.57. It sucks they took video links down! Try this from saved copy: LINK (download and save if you want full screen hi-res and to pause and use the clock)
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Quid Pro Quo118 months
Dual Threat Smart Fast Feet: second by second: BH looks left, pulls it down, scrambles left and moves the defense, turns on a dime, 58 over-pursues and the O-line holds both sides and middle, taking out 55. BH back to center of pocket @ 4 sec mark right in front of Cameron. NFL arm and eyes down field he throws a 50 yd dart "using the laces to spin it" that takes 2.5 seconds to hit the 4.3-4.4 'Shark' in full stride with KTII having no play...Chark cuts right and turns on the jets. The O-line took care of business. The highest incidence of O-Linemen injury is slow, predictable, stacked box I-formation human pile-ups with FBs and RBs running into them while they are being stood up.
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yattan118 months
It is obvious that Harris does better with rap music playing.
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Quid Pro Quo118 months
LINK ___________________________

Missing link in case you did not find it below (500 views in 8 hrs). _____________________

(download and save if you want to restore full screen hi-res, slo-mo, pause, and to use frame by frame vs the clock in a media player) This is DJ Shark's (pronunciation) first pass & TD and he gets to flash his superior speed (4.4) and hands to shake off KTII on a perfect strike that hits him in full stride. Harris throws from the 32 and DJ hauls it in on the 12 so you have the ball traveling 56 yds in just over 2 seconds or ~ 52-56 mph which is NFL speed for a long throw. The record is 59-60 for shorter passes. It would be really nice to know how many WR's were lined up, etc. Miles had to jump back 5 yds, but he got to see and hear that one whistle down the wire.
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TigerVision118 months
It's practice!!
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15forHeisman118 months
Yall are idiots talking about his pocket presence.... If you clowns know how to play the QB position so well why are yall criticizing a teenager and not playing in the NFL.... Just STFU
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MIKEYtheTIGER118 months
@quid... thanks for the video link!
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demtigers73118 months
In a "game" 58 crushes him and if not then 55 crushes him!
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panterica118 months
He'll learn. AJ is working his butt off, too. I hope Harris gets the starting nod since his passes don't move slow and fall short, but he really has a lot to pick up first. Still confident we're much improved from last year.
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Tiger_n_ATL118 months
video fail
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Patrick_Bateman118 months
No fricking video. Thanks.
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rcsetiger118 months
No Video? wtf
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doliss118 months
link broken, got 404 error
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lsufan1909118 months
Where this vid come from?
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cas4t118 months
nostradamus, I got it. I was just answering your question though. Other posters are nitpicking when you can't even see the full offensive or defensive line.
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themunch118 months
yo brains is scrambled
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5Alive118 months
I see we have some dummies that still can't see the entire play
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WilliamTaylor21118 months
Well there was one DE coming off that edge that moved him a little to the other side of the pocket, and when he got to that side the OL was no longer engaged with the D Line making him probably think they were free, thus he scrambled.
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