Longtime sportscaster and Louisiana native Tim Brando joined the Paul Finebaum show Monday and revealed his College Football Playoff predictions for 2016.

Brando expects LSU, along with Clemson, Oklahoma and Michigan to make the third annual College Football Playoff.

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biglego99 months
It's a nice dream but the Les offense has proven incapable of scoring on Bama so I see no reason to pick LSU to win the SEC West.
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Random LSU Hero99 months
I bet you're just the life of the party aren't you?
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eugene1928LSU99 months
Love the Fair Park High Tim Brando. He hates the gumps too. Their due 3 losses, Tenn (finaly), Arky on a miracle and LSU will adminster a necessary arse kicking right into an SEC championship and playoff spot. Look out for CLemson tho, best QB in nation.
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SirWinston99 months
Lofty predictions, mate :cheers:
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TouchdownTony99 months
Lost most of our team? Transfers I guess? Link? You must be a younguns cause we been losing stars every year. We honestly lost less "star" starters thus past year than any of sabans tenure except 07. Name anybody we lost that transcended football or was even someone that can't be replaced. One year starter Coker? Henry? Even y'all say he shouldn't have won the heisman so...how bout dbs? Who was the stud we lost. Who's the guy that just can't be replaced? Also, Brando has not picked bama in ANY bcs year or either playoff year. This guy can't possibly be any worse of a picker. No wonder every network shitecans him.
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austintexastiger99 months
how brave of him not to pick the Tedious Tide just because they lost most of their team and play AT LSU, AT Ole Miss, AT Ark, At Tenn.
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Datbayoubengal99 months
Don't really care for Brando, but this was almost my exact prediction months ago. Only difference is that I have Clemson OR FSU. Pac 12 will play itself out of it, a one loss Michigan beats Nebraska in the conference championship game, Oklahoma goes with a 1 loss record, and undefeated LSU beats Tennessee in SEC championship game.
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BayouBengal688499 months
Undefeated LSU?? Lol
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Datbayoubengal99 months
You damn right buddy. Remember 2011 the schedule was more daunting than this. At West Virginia (Orange Bowl champs), neutral Oregon (Top 3 team Rose Bowl champ), vs Arkansas (top 5 team), and Bama (national champ top 3 team). That was just the regular season, and I didn't even count the other teams that were ranked at the time. We've done it before, let's do it again with a National championship finish to be the first ever team with a 15-0 record.
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cheo2599 months
Why do I care what a basketball guy thinks about college football?
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themunch99 months
Finebaum with the 'What, No Bama look' is priceless.
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An LSU Michigan national championship would be the greatest gift from the football gods in decades.
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Hugo Stiglitz99 months
So expect another Bama championship.
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