Filed Under: LSU Football
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ThatTahoeOverThere26 months
Aren't all these "causes" really just tax shelters that are set up by the players tax attorney.
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cajunmud26 months
You would rather give it to our bankster-owned criminal government?
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Xhero26 months
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Lsu10120526 months
Since Larry wasn't able to, here is the link to The Joe Burrow Foundation. LINK /
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Drizzt26 months
Just donated. Thanks for link.
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cajunmud26 months
I'm a really spiritual guy...reincarnation, spirit guides, ghosts, UFO's etc., do you think Joe's life path has just been happenstance?

Coach O talks him into coming here...the Bayou Bengals, he kicks azz and goes #1 to the worst team in the NFL...the Bengals. There is definitely some woo woo going on here. Both teams win it all next year!
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BayouENGR26 months
“woo woo” Dang, you just made me miss my mom.
Also, Geaux Joey B!

The way Louisiana stepped up for the food bank in his hometown was truly legendary. Geaux us, too!
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cajunmud26 months
I just lost my mom last week. I couldn't talk about any of that kinda stuff with her...sad. Now she knows...
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Morpheus26 months
I’m assuming that his parents are running the Foundation so that’s awesome stuff right there.
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bengalman26 months
Big Fan!
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BleedgurpleTX26 months
He should have wore a pair for the game today…
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Geaux Guy26 months
Need a pair of those for work.
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theBru26 months
Stripes of a different color, but still stripes.
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lsubuddy26 months
Can't wait to see what they go for
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brett40826 months
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