Ole Miss announced Friday that they will be wearing the following uniform combo when they take on LSU Saturday night in Tiger Stadium.

LSU will be wearing the traditional white jerseys with gold pants. Fans are encouraged to wear Gold as this is the designated Gold game.

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panzer71 months
I always liked their unis
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d271 months
IMO this game has one the best sets of uniforms you will see. A few others come to mind (Michigan vs Ohio st etc), bit this one is up there
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Tiger Ice71 months
I mean really, Who...WHO really gives a frick what fashion Statement the Ole Piss Rebel Bears make in Tiger Stadium....I mean really....REALLY....WHO???
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AustinKnight71 months
Come on buddy lighten up it’s football
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rolltide3271 months
That's Rebel Sharks now thank you very much
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rattlebucket71 months
Nice looking unis to walk out of TS as LOSERS!
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Vernonbrew2271 months
I sure hope you are correct sir. Tigers may have a tough time in rain with no O line
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Farkwad71 months
The red will hide the blood better, good choice for them
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voodooidotwo71 months
Pretty upset you beat me to the blood comment.
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GeauxTGRZ71 months
Is his shoulder pads on backwards?
user avatar
Wheaux71 months
I don't know, is they?
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Deltatiger71 months
What's wrong with his neck?
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reauxl tigers71 months
At least its not that ugly arse light blue unis.
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Ignignot71 months
What exactly is supposed to be new or different about these??
user avatar
alumni9571 months
Where does it say “new or different”? It’s just an announcement of the combo they will be wearing. I know it’s foreign to LSU since we have just 2 basic unis, but most other schools have different combos they can wear.
user avatar
ByUselves71 months
In other words, LSU doesn't need but 2 cuz they are the best.
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