The LSU Football Video Team released this 2015 Defense Highlight Video on Thursday:

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tigerfoot103 months
God some of yall are miserable, just miserable
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WilliamTaylor21103 months
No "tigerbutt" (nice name btw) it was an unnecessary shot at our defense. It's a video of the top plays and your whack arse thinks of the blown coverages.
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Jon Ham103 months
Where's the highlights of Reed, Cornelius, and Collins outrunning the defense for TD's?
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Guava Jelly103 months
I almost felt bad for that poor TX Tech QB. Kid got hit so many times.
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tigerbutt103 months
It was sarcasm William. Sorry it went over your head. You must be 4'1".
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themunch103 months
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themunch103 months
tigerbutt - 31 min ago
Glad no clips of the blown coverage by the corners and safety last year. Looking forward to improvements.

Need a video of all our penalty killing mistakes and how we beat our selves.
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WilliamTaylor21103 months
Yeah it would totally make sense to put blown coverage in a highlight film.

Maybe they'll make a film with all of our injuries too. Idiot.
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tigerbutt103 months
Glad no clips of the blown coverage by the corners and safety last year. Looking forward to improvements.
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