Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:7/26/2009
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Then, he had himself a nice stew goin....

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Guava Jelly on 5/31/24 at 1:42 pm
He is HIM. HIMothy, Jim HIMson, Earnest HIMmingway...
Weird that when we blitzed to protect our DBs we did better on defense if it has nothing to do with scheme... even the announcers talked about the fact that the DBs played 15 yards off the ball damn near every play....
[quote]He will replace House and hire a good replacement when the time is right.[/quote] The time is right [b]now[/b]. I get the merit of having patience and being measured. But there is a window in which elite coordinators are available (for the amount of money they are actually worth) and we're v...

re: Jayden is already onto Monday

Posted by Guava Jelly on 12/9/23 at 6:32 pm
The loafers aren't my style... but that suit, though... :pimp:...

re: Heisman 10-5 results

Posted by Guava Jelly on 12/9/23 at 8:22 am
[quote]His run game is and will be elite[/quote] Just because he carved up LSU's barely existing defense that doesn't make his running ability "elite." It is not. He's an average-pretty good QB. He will continue to be an average-pretty good QB...

re: Thank you LSU Defense

Posted by Guava Jelly on 12/8/23 at 9:25 am
Who needs a fireplace with hot takes like this, amirite?...
[quote]means more common folk (dog shite bettors) are taking LSU and the money is on Bama[/quote] This is not necessarily true, particularly since the raw odds at open skew more in Bama's favor than 58%. Also, if you're a sharp bettor, you're not touching this game....
[quote]That’s….not good[/quote] Explain that to me....
Joseph "Nacho" Albergamo...
[quote]Winning the most recent game in a given sport is called "a moral victory".[/quote] FIFY...
As productive as Florida football....
[quote]If I was buying a stock, I'd buy some LSU football stocks.[/quote] Ok, coach... :nana:...
[quote]Women's Basketball - Baseball[/quote] Just stop, dude. Now you're just embarrassing yourself....
So, still consensus -2.5. Nothing to see here....
Where? Consensus I've seen is -2.5....

re: Goobernor Says Don’t Grill

Posted by Guava Jelly on 8/31/23 at 8:11 am
I mean, I get the logic. But grilling isn't what started the wildfires and not grilling certainly won't stop them....