LSU center Lloyd Cushenberry was unable to wear his No. 18 jersey this past season due to NCAA rules but was rocking it during the Senior Bowl on Saturday.

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GetmorewithLes56 months
Gotta be a proud moment to wear that LSU helmet in an all star game after winning a Natty. All eyes on you!
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Russianblue56 months
starting to REALLY like Cush. that dude is gonna get PAID and there could not be a more deserving individual. You know what else is cool? all those washed up seniors at that game, and Cush walks in with his LSU helmet on, straight from the trenches of the national Championship game.
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GeauxsomeMeaux56 months
Great chance to Rep LSU! I’m sure a lot of people will question why an OL is wearing 18, so they can learn about our tradition !
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LSULyle0069056 months
No one gives a shite, trust me
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gthog6156 months
Actually, now I am sort of curious. These things at the bottom of the page are hard to remember again but I might check to see if there is an answer, if I can't google it
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gthog6156 months
Well I found it, cool
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Boyntonbeach Tiger56 months
Lyle u suck
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Un_withable56 months
Take a break Lyle....
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panzer56 months
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tigersbh56 months
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Celery56 months
Love it
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Rougaroux56 months
Pretty cool
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LSULyle0069056 months
Oh thank GOD!! I was very very concerned he wouldn’t ever actually wear that number, I haven’t slept in months
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BayouBandit2456 months
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CP3LSU2556 months
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CharlesLSU56 months
Oh look! A dickhead!
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Ghost of Colby56 months
He definitely earned it this year, and has impressed scouts this week. Really cool of the Senior Bowl staff to let him rep #18 today.
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