John Chavis spoke with Kevin Sumlin minutes before LSU Bowl game.
Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
On ESPN's Mike & Mike radio show Wednesday morning, Texas A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin confirmed that he was speaking with John Chavis when his pool boy tweeted out that he was at Sumlin's house and saw him speaking on the phone.

Here is the original tweet, and Sumlin's response:

Image Link

The pool boy's tweet (Rusty McFarland - @mcfarlandrk8) was sent out around 2:38pm ET. LSU kicked off against Notre Dame in the Music City Bowl that same day at 3:00pm ET.

LSU's No. 8th ranked defense allowed 449 yards in the 31-28 loss to Notre Dame. After the game, Chavis refused to answer questions about Texas A&M and said he was not distracted by anything prior to kickoff. Here is video of Chavis after the game.
Filed Under: LSU Football
user avatar
mikecno121 months
If this is true then it is a serious error in judgement by both men
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TigerOnThe Hill121 months
I'd imagine Chavis' contract called for him to receive a significant monetary bonus for coaching in a bowl game. If so, LSU should NOT pay the bonus to him due to his breach of contract. It's apparent from the defense's poor performance and now this story that Chavis did not give the game the required full, undivided attention. LSU should make him sue to try and get the bonus money.
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LSUvet72121 months
Chief needs scalp lifted by whiteman warriors dressed in purple and gold in 2015 !!!!!
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cms1gea121 months
Regardless of why he left a potential National Champion Team in 2015 is beyond me.The way he done it was unethical. The best thing he should have done was announce his leaving LSU before the game.I don't believe it was in his best interest or that of our team to be in the booth.UNPROFESSIONAL///
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LSU 318 LSU121 months
I bet only every 3rd word got through
user avatar
Ohmama121 months
A&M is going to be in a world of hurt next November.
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deaconscholar121 months
Unprofessional. Unethical. Selfish. What's it say about Sumlin and Chavis. Both have lots to learn about integrity from Coach Miles. Nonetheless, it's time to move on.
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schwartzy121 months
Is Sumlin gonna take Miles next if he loses this year?
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SpidermanTUba121 months
Wonder what his bonus was to throw the game.
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gwilging121 months
Hope LSU kicks the hell out of A&M next year.
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Meauxjeaux121 months
After giving up 449 yards, Chavis is lucky he didn't get a Sumlin tweet too.
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DeathValley1924121 months
Who cares? This whole Chavis drama is stupid. Geaux Tigers!
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skullopener121 months
What is the point of all this bitching. Let our tigers do the talking on the field. We will see them next Thanksgiving.
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Yung_Humma121 months
Rivalry reborn
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Louisianaboy87121 months
How classy. Seriously, you could tell Chavis was checked out. He didn't even put emphasis on the game plan. Les Miles himself said after halftime "Guys are out of position" who's fault is that Les?
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Camos9812121 months
He left a LSU team that's full of talent and he know it time will tell for him to realize it
user avatar
Was at the game and when the team arrived Chavis wouldn't even look at the fans as he walked up!
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hg121 months
Pretty fricked up on Sumlins part as well to try to get in contact with a coach right before a game.
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CalTiger53121 months
" he really back stabbed the players and other coaches big time."
Players said it after the game. A&M players should remember this.
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earl keese121 months
I don't like to get on here and bad mouth the players or coaches but if Chavis really was on the phone with Sumlin 20 minutes before kickoff of LSU's bowl game, he really back stabbed the players and other coaches big time. Pretty shitty that he couldn't wait another 4 hours to talk A&M. Piss poor move "Chief".
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