Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
Following Sunday's season opener, LSU defensive end Ali Gaye reached out to Florida State quarterback Jordan Davis to apologize to him for his targeting penalty.

On Tuesday, Travis sent out this tweet to Gaye.

Filed Under: LSU Football
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hill durham24 months
Sometimes apologizes cleanse the Soul
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biglego24 months
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
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TutHillTiger24 months
Well that’s what everyone used to do, u screw it’s then you apologize, now somehow that’s seen as bad. Being decent doesn’t cost u nothing
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Bigtigah24 months
Props to Ali and Travis. I Hope FSU dethrones the Clemson fake Tigers
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GatorPA8424 months
Geez I read that as he apologized to “all gays” I need glasses damn
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RazzleDazzle24 months
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Flashback24 months
Ali is so nice.
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Chimlim24 months
I mean the game is played at full speed. The players understand this.
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LSUfourLife24 months
Love to see this.
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themunch24 months
I like this a lot
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deuce98524 months
Travis played very good under pressure. Shame he has to play behind that crappy oline all year.
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Mr Boyles24 months
A lot of pussyfucation going on here in this article
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atltiger648724 months
oh good lord. Gaye's hit was intentional, blatant, and shouldn't be part of football. He's lucky the SEC doesn't suspend him. Has nothing to do with pussyfication of the game.
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StupidBinder24 months
Good sportsmanship (after a horrendous display of poor sportsmanship) is not “pussyfucation” you idiot
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jrctiger8424 months
Dude your an f ing idiot. The pussification is spewing from your dumb arse. !!!!!
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Big Gorilla24 months
Applaud the young man, but it sure looked like he said frick it, I am out and destroyed a helpless QB. He is just a kid, so hopefully he will learn from this mistake.
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oleheat24 months
That says a lot about Jordan Travis, as well. Good show, young man.
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MasonTiger24 months
A lot of good and bad in sports these days. These gentlemen represent the good.
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TaderSalad24 months
Meanwhile other players are deleting the social media. Respect to Gaye for taking ownership for his mistake.
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matty338724 months
They are deleting their social media because dumbass students are sending them death threats
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DBeaux22524 months
So they should keep their social media active so dumbass fans can blow it up all day attacking them? Gtfo
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saintslsupels24 months
Let me get this straight, you get annoyed with college kids use social media, then get annoyed when they delete social media? Make up your mind boomer.
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reauxl tigers24 months
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CaptainJ4724 months
Good sportsmanship all around.
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