Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports
Florida coach Jim McElwain was popping off at the mouth after his team's 16-10 win over LSU and had these comments about the Tigers.

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This should go over well...
Filed Under: LSU Football
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gondwanaland94 months
lsu lacks leadership, and its much higher up than orgeron. mediocrity is evidently good enough for those numnuts in charge!
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UFMatt94 months
After all the trash talk from LSU fans since the postponed game, I say, "The LSU football team may have deserved better, but the LSU fans got exactly what they deserved." Some were classless, whiny, beetches.
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TNG8r94 months
Truth hurts
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TNG8r94 months
God this melt is so damn funny!!! All the talk UF was gonna get destroyed. Seriously, tell me why LSU lost?
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shotcaller194 months
LoSer U posters are incredibly butthurt. Keep it coming folks!
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shotcaller194 months
LoSer U posters are incredibly butthurt. Keep it coming folks!
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biglego94 months
LSU got what it deserved? LSU just wanted to play the damn game as scheduled and bent over backwards, and in the end agreed to an unfavorable deal to make this game happen. Then LSU even gave Florida the win.
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SneakyWaff1es94 months
Looks like they bent over forwards as well.
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monkeybutt94 months
It's amazing the amount of you guys that sound like little bitches
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DownSouthCrawfish94 months
Boy look at all the tears in here. Lol
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Jumbo_Gumbo94 months
Super Douche
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TexasTiger8994 months
McElwain = Bobby Petrino Jr. Both douche bags.
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KiwiHead94 months
Look, Florida won the game despite being outplayed pretty much on both sides of the ball. Nutria teeth is entitled to mouth off....until next year.
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Disgeaux Bob94 months
If ever there was a reason for a piss balloon....
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Water Mocassin94 months
Mac you come across as a child, grow up and act like a man. My kids are more mature than you are. Seriously, as a leader of men, you have failed miserably.
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SneakyWaff1es94 months
Unless his goal was to lead them to victory over LSU. Obviously.
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DoubleDown94 months
Wasn't Guice popping off at the mouth about "Florida can't run no mo (more)!" etc the week before the game? LSU players talk a lot of shite before games. Did it before UF, did it before Bama. Play the game and let the scoreboard speak or just shut up!
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CaptainKirk8094 months
One is a player and the other is a COACH. Big difference.
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TNG8r94 months
LF and Guice finna eat..... Eat shite!! All that talk and a banged up UF team prison rapped LSU in their on venue! Congrats you worthless POS's
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CaptainKirk8094 months
Raped* Florida education
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comalking94 months
TNG8r suffers from numerous mental disorders and forgot to take his thorazine again
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Tactical194 months
Well, he's right.
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Icansee4miles94 months
He, his AD, and the SEC Commissioner can all eat a big bag of infected peckers. Screw all of them.
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Bayoubengal20594 months
You know what? I don't like McElwain but he's right. We got we deserved twice this year for the same reason both times. Not adapting to the football game when the original game plan did not pan out as planned. We plan to run right at Florida's defense. They knew that and executed a plan that forced us to throw. We plan to run right into the nations best run stopping defense in Alabama. They knew that and executed a plan to force us to throw. we did not adapt. We did not take advatage of the opportunities they both gave us in other areas of the field. Instead we arrogantly run at that wall praying to God we break through at some point.. This entire offensive staff needs a new motivator, leader and teacher. A man that is humble. Not arrogant. A man that has a backup plan or two or three. And a man that has quick feet for the times that his back up plans don't work out. Judging on the way Jimbo's offense has been able to drastically change in game time situations in order to adapt to the defensive scheme in front of them at that very moment and judging on the respect that the coaches have for him and have his back. I have to say I am all in for Jimbo. He has the ability to fix what needs to be fixed while maintaining all that doesn't not need to be fixed.
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tigersbh94 months
LSU had 423 yards - 219 of it rushing. Three fumbles and Guice running the wrong way on the last play is what cost us the game.
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Bayoubengal20594 months
It's great to have the yardag "tigersbh" but I prefer the RIGHT plays when they matter and above all else. POINTS.
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Mike da Tigah94 months
All BS aside. That's one goofy looking MFer
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KiwiHead94 months
He's ugly and his momma/wife dresses him funny as well. two words for him.....Crest Whitestrips!!!!!!
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earl keese94 months
"It should have been worse" What the frick? His offense gained 270 yards with roughly a third of that on one fricking play. And LSU was missing their starting middle linebacker for 3 full quarters. How much worse could it have been? It seems to me that they're lucky to have scored more than 3 points.
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