(Video: Tiger Details)
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Bandits5854 months
He’s going to ole miss!! Move on!!
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gpttigers54 months
His Uncle, Grand Dad and Dad all did. But LSU only had 1 Natty when those decisions were made. We are a much stronger program now than then.
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Bert Macklin FBI54 months
He never mentioned that he liked any aspect of Eli's game. Ouch. He could have at least said he liked the way he rode his defenses to 2 Superbowls. :lol:
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Groundscrew8554 months
He don’t call him Uncle Peyton? Weird
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81Tiger54 months
At the end of the "Book of Manning" ESPN special, one of the grandkids sitting on the step with Archie said his favorite college team was "LSU". Hmmm.
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gameovergt54 months
Ole Miss lock.
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eddieray54 months
He says his “S” sounds like Peyton and Archie
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SomeLSUguy54 months
Seems to check all the boxes... as a frickin sophomore in HS! Values earning the teams respect right away - sounds like a Heisman trophy winner we recently had at QB - Yes please, may I have another.
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AustinKnight54 months
Now do every other normal kids post freshman’s interview. Dude is groomed and no doubt will be #1 player in 3 years. Seems like a leader already and will not be swayed going to schools by Gramps or his Uncles. He will lead his own legacy and be a Tiger.
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oldskule54 months
He never mentioned ELI?
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alumni9554 months
Only if you’re deaf and don’t have closed captioning
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GeauxTigers010754 months
Weird that he called him Peyton and not Uncle Peyton.
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Hester Carries54 months
no its not. I refer to a lot of my aunts and uncles by their first names as i get older. Also, to make it even more normal, hes talking about a famous person to someone who his not in his family.
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JGWS754 months
I want that guy at LSU
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NPComb54 months
So you are saying there's a chance?
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claremontrich54 months
Figure out a way to get Coach Cutcliffe at your school and voila...Arch will be there
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Mike da Tigah54 months
Sure would be awesome to finally land a Manning at LSU. I sure hope he gives it serious consideration.
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cajunguy54 months
What are you talking about? LSU had a Manning athlete player at LSU and he was not all that flashy good. Check out Charles Manning under Will Wade.
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