Vasha Hunt-USA TODAY Sports
Suspended LSU coach Will Wade released a statement on Thursday morning, requesting to be reinstated as head coach.


"This morning, I advised President Alexander, Athletic Director Joe Alleva and the LSU Board of Supervisors that I would like to resume my duties as Head Basketball Coach. Last week, when the University decided to place me on administrative leave, I accepted the decision without complaint as I knew that they wanted time to reflect on the flurry of media reports. With the benefit of a week to consider the circumstances, I believe University officials should allow me to resume my duties."

"I understand that in today’s hyper-intense media environment it is extremely difficult for any organization, particularly a public university, to stand firm in the face of rumors, leaks and innuendo. In this case, the simple truth is I have been placed on leave because I exercised my right not to submit to a joint LSU/NCAA interview on the exact same subject matter at issue in an impending federal criminal trial in New York. My legal counsel advised the University that it would be wholly inappropriate for me, or anyone, to submit to an interview under these circumstances."

"Declining to be interviewed was a difficult decision for me, as I would like to cooperate fully with all parties, particularly LSU. To be clear, however, all I’ve done is follow the prudent advice of counsel to exercise my constitutional rights to due process. Given these facts, I don’t believe it is appropriate for me to be relieved of my duties. We have a great basketball program made up of excellent student-athletes and quality coaches. The players who’ve given their all for this institution, the students and alumni who are devoted to LSU, and fans all across Louisiana and beyond deserve to see this team fulfill its destiny. I love LSU and everything it stands for. What I’m asking for is the right to do my job while exercising my constitutional rights. I don’t think that’s too much to ask."
No. 9 LSU begins SEC Tournament play on Friday at noon.
Filed Under: LSU Basketball
user avatar
TOSOV71 months
Yup a bunch of delusion up in here too...
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1971 months
Fire Fieldon.
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dbeck71 months
What an idiot
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bengalman71 months
Great News!
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Placebeaux71 months
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gcmoney371 months
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Cajunomics71 months
That’s an awesome statement.
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TheBigHurt71 months
Well said WW!
user avatar
We will choose a purpose clear We will choose FREE WILL!
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1BIGTigerFan71 months
The Billboard is working!!! :lol:
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Tarheel Tiger71 months
Frankly, I think Will Wade is doing himself a disservice by playing this card. He is trying to paint LSU into a corner and some of you youngsters don't see it as survival mode by him. If he truly loved LSU as stated, he would prepare himself for his upcoming appearance in court in April and otherwise keep his mouth shut.
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That LSU Guy71 months
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elcid71 months
Have another downvote Francis.
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1971 months
DV #53!
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XbengalTiger71 months
Some of you people need to read more before posting. The yahoo report on Wade was a leaked transcript of an alleged recorded conversation. Yahoo does not have the recording and Yahoo does not have the full transcript. The initial Yahoo report said that the "smart" conversation was a completely different conversation than the "offer" conversation yet later media reports tied the two conversations together without any evidence.
user avatar
TOSOV71 months
Does the FBI have it? If so, who cares about Yahoo. Does WWs lawyers have it, and heard it? Has LSUAD and/or NCAA/SEC?? Obviously, some truth to it if WW cant come out saying it's false, and prepping a lawsuit against yahoo instead of acting like he has a constitutional right to not be benched by lsuad until things settle.
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TigerSaints31871 months
Hell Yea!!!
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Walker wild tiger71 months
You could have waited for this to play out with Wade still coaching. LSU getting involved with the ncaa is not going to help there cause or avoid sanctions. Time for change at the top. It starts with the November election
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DVinBR71 months
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DVinBR71 months
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DVinBR71 months
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DVinBR71 months
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LSUsince7471 months
This is like an old broken record and time for someone to make a move
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Ya Boy71 months
#BOOTUP Mother frickers!!
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Violent Tally71 months
So far LSU has been FUBAR U on Will Wade. Here is a chance to correct it.
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PortHudsonPlaya71 months
Love the guy, but he’s guilty as sin. Bad break for the Tigers.
user avatar
atltiger648771 months
yep, agreed. He's done. He's now in protection mode - just trying to stay afloat and hope that something breaks his way. Because he's headed for a "for cause" firing from LSU and a massive show-cause penalty from the NCAA. All because he's on tape, and there's really no way to spin it.
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warlock197471 months
"he’s guilty as sin" Based on what PROOF? As a result of what legal process? Have you ever been accused of something without proof and then just gave in before being proven wrong or given an opportunity to prove your innocence? If not, then please allow him the same rights and privileges that you would demand under the same circumstance.
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Strong Arse Offer71 months
Do it
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