Stephen Lew-USA TODAY Sports
Will Wade's attorney has notified LSU that he will wait to discuss the latest wiretap report with the school until after the federal basketball corruption trial wraps up, according to The Advocate.

The federal trial case begins on April 22 which means Wade will likely not return to the team anytime soon.

Wade’s attorney wrote LSU on Tuesday that the coach would talk about allegations once the pending federal criminal investigation into corruption in college basketball concludes, according to a copy of the letter obtained first by The Advocate through a public records request.

That appears to make Wade’s return anytime this season unlikely, no matter how deep of a run the No. 9 Tigers make in the upcoming NCAA Tournament unless the coach decides to reverse course, given that defense attorneys are expected to subpoena Wade to testify at a federal criminal trial scheduled to start April 22, well after the championship game.
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lsuohiofan71 months
Never be back at LSU. This whole investigation is the NCAA's way to keep schools down. None of the media's school's will get hit here! No Ky, no Due, No North Carolina.
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stein6971 months
The way I read wade’s contract is that he has an obligation to participate in any investigation by LSU into potential violations of NCAA rules. I get that he wants to protect himself. But I also get LSU wanting to her to the bottom of this sooner or later. Wades lawyers letter actually says he’d talk after the SDNY “investigation” is over. Investigation may not be synonymous with the trial. Who knows when he’s gonna try to clear this up with LSU.
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JustinT3771 months
Crazy how FBI agents can lie to you, but if you lie/misspeak to the FBI it’s a FELONY.
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themunch71 months
What part of the NCAA was told to lay off till the feds were done and ignoring it do you people feel is a good thing for LSU or Wade?
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CanebreakCajun71 months
Wade and LSU have competing interests. No way wade should speak to either. Anyone he talks to can be subpoenad for the federal case. Best move is to keep his mouth shut
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Spankum71 months
This actually makes me feel a little better about things...sounds like a perfectly reasonable course of action, given that he will be testifying in a federal trial.
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CDawson71 months
Reasonable to everyone but the LSU administration who believes pressuring a federally subpoenaed witness to speak about an ongoing investigation outside of attorney/client privilege is a smart move. It's hard to understand that thought process with no more information that we have. Wade is right to protect his privilege and LSU is not respecting that right.
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Moarbenchespeaze71 months
The trolls are our in force today. Sorry, but you aren't that stupid.
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TigerSpray71 months
Blue Chips 2.
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CanebreakCajun71 months
Fight the power wade!
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TaderSalad71 months
I hope he sues the frick out of LSU when he leaves. Time to start hitting this shitty arse BOS where it hurts.
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OceanMan71 months
Why? He is the one refusing a meeting
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rbdallas71 months
you really do not know how things work do you ?
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Jyrdis71 months
The look on his face says "I'm busted fuq"
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CBarkleytruth71 months
Its over. Goodbye LSU basketball
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ellessuuuu71 months
You are leaving out one key element to this article. Alleva and LSU are requiring that the NCAA be at the meeting. Wade is willing to meet with LSU, so long as the NCAA is not there and questions are provided in advance. When facing the possibility of testifying in federal court next month, this is a smart decision.
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rilesrick71 months
WOW What an arrogant move there. He's guilty and gone. God riddance .
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LSU Patrick71 months
You aren't this stupid in real life are you?
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SCLSUMuddogs71 months
You think he should speak with the NCAA, with no advanced knowledge of the questions to be asked, in regards to a federal case that directly involves the NCAA? Are you nuts? Anything that can be seen as interfering with a federal case should be avoided at all costs. Wade is justified in this situation
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CanebreakCajun71 months
You are an imbecile, another guy who folds like a wet rag under pressure.
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wesman2171 months
In the end, suspending Wade will probably be seen as unnecessary. If he gets in trouble, we forfeit all of the wins that got us to the SEC tourney and to the NCAA tourney, so suspending him would not have mattered going back or going forward. If he doesn't get in trouble, then we did not have our head coach through the SEC and NCAA tournaments. Just let him coach, either we go down in flames or we come out unscathed. Unless for whatever reason they give us the one win vs Vandy and then count all of the games going forward, but that seems too ridiculous.
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CDawson71 months
Wesman21: This would make perfect sense therefore it won't happen. What is suspending Wade or Smart going to do at this point? Make us have one SEC win over Vandy if things go awry?
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wesman2171 months
CDawson, I agree. Nothing is sensical in how the LSU higher ups have handled this. All of that being said, if Smart plays tomorrow and they don't let Wade coach, then I think it is a personal thing against Wade at that point. How can one be innocent and the other not?
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Gnash71 months
He gone
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JackieTreehorn71 months
Fahr Alleva!
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