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Lavert wouldn’t excite me, but I would very much like Jarrett Allen, so yes. Of all the hypothetical lineups we’ve thrown out there, I like the sound of Murray/CJ/Herb/Zion/Allen the most. Either that or some variant that replaces either CJ or Herb with Trey ...
[quote]I’d argue there will be more and more Steph’s[/quote] Bruh, what? Steph Curry is one of the greatest scorers in nba history. Do you recall 2015, when he shot 45% on 9 threes a game. Also averaged 30ppg and won his second straight mvp. He even led the league in steals, which I didn’t expect...
Bruh Kevin Durant is 7 feet tall. If it was a game that mattered, only he or dray played center. Plus we’re talking about a team that had the greatest 3 point shooter in nba history, kind of a bad example as there will never be another Steph. You don’t need a star big like you used to pre-2015is...

re: Is Zion miscast?

Posted by SCLSUMuddogs on 7/19/24 at 1:25 pm
[quote]he doesn't mix it up on the inside[/quote] Bruh, what are you talking about? He scores 70% of his buckets within 2 feet. If you mean back to the basket, I don’t think anyone thought Zion would be doing a ton of that. I certainly didn’t. I expected him to be doing exactly what he does tb...
Some fairly interesting nuggets for comparison [link=(https://www.basketball-reference.com/international/players/daniel-theis-1.html)]Daniel Theis INTL Stats[/link] [link=(https://www.basketball-reference.com/international/players/karlo-matkovic-1.html)]Karlo Matkovic INTL Stats[/link] I’m...
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Dyson was the Hawks primary target. We weren’t getting Murray without losing him ETA: primary target after they realized Herb was untouchable ...
[quote]Trash Dyson for his offense even though he's an elite defender. And praise Hawk for his "defensive improvement" while shooting 24%[/quote] The vast majority of takes have been trashing Hawkins in every aspect. One guy tries to say a positive thing and he’s arse backwards? Saying Hawkins ...
Yeah, lakers might not be amazing but they’ll be better than the likes of Detroit, Portland, Washington etc. Also a team led by old Lebron most certainly won’t actively tank...

re: NBA New Orleans Mt Rushmore

Posted by SCLSUMuddogs on 7/17/24 at 6:47 am
Omer Asik Alexis Ajinca Cheick Diallo Nate Robinson ...

re: Free agent C/PFs…

Posted by SCLSUMuddogs on 7/15/24 at 5:08 pm
Well unfortunately it seems we’re going to have to parse out minutes with our shite centers. Especially given that they each have different strengths and collective youth. Hopefully one of JRE, Karlo or Missi can improve and start dominating minutes, but until then we will have to try them all. W...
I also was hoping he could be a defensive guy, I was hoping for a poor man’s Zach Randolph as a max potential. I only mentioned EJ today because he had 4 blocks last night ...
[quote]You are trying to say "well if he did get minutes he'd be better".[/quote] Nah dude, I’m just saying it would have been nice to see him play for a couple of 5-6 minute stretches during garbage time to see if his gleague stats were really a reflection of his skill. I’m making no claims abou...
[quote]I should be in the NBA. My sample size isn't there but I deserve to be there. The only reason I'm not in the NBA is because I haven't been able to get minutes in the NBA. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm not good enough...[/quote] Take EJ completely out of the conversation for a...
[quote]I'm still shocked we gave him a sympathy contract, because that's all it was.[/quote] Well yeah, hence why signing him was so baffling ...
Signing Omer Asik didn’t make me jump, I think I’ll survive. I’m arguing about a guy who I think maxes out as a 6th man type dude for a ceiling. I realize I said he was killing it, but that’s because I didn’t expect him to do anything of note all summer ...
I’m just not acknowledging his nba minutes from this past season because the sample size isn’t there so what’s the point? ETA: I don’t think EJ Liddell is a difference maker guys. I saw an article on my drive that said he had 22 points and 4 blocks and made a throw away comment. ...
[quote] He played 24 total minutes and doesn't have a single stat that shows anything of importance. IMO if you aren't good enough to play in the NBA (only getting 24 total minutes) then you've been "outplayed" by default.[/quote] I mean what good is having a gleague team if we aren’t going to...
Yeah, that was a bit of morning hyperbole from me. These things happen ETA:although signing a guy to a deal in his 2nd year, not playing him, then trading him is an odd practice ...
[quote]Pretty sure he was injured. And then was outplayed by JRE when he was healthy[/quote] He was healthy all year and played reallly well in the gleague. He got hurt his rookie year. Tough to say he was outplayed by anyone in the nba given he played like 16 minutes all season in like 2 minute ...
Of fricking course EJ Liddell is killing it. Why we signed then never played him is one of the most baffling things the organization has ever done ...