Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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jatilen53 months
That's his banana hammock when he's hanging out at the crib.
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oleheat54 months
LSU, through & through.
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brewhan davey54 months
Regardless of where you stand on the mask issue, it’s awesome that Shaq is always supporting LSU.
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Lebowski54 months
Masks are for worriers and Karens
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justustm254 months
And for people who got brains and sense. Obviously you lack both bubba.
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BobABooey54 months
The ShaqARona.
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TheFlyingTiger54 months
frick the normalization of this. do you want this to go forever?
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Jabontik54 months
Nice mask! Where can i get one of those
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Vernonbrew2254 months
Will be great to see the Shaq at the PMac the next few years. Always bled purple and gold
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elcid54 months
Heard he got if from Ryan Clark when Ryan liquidated all his LSU gear - way to think outside the box Shaq!
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alumni9554 months
That’s his biz savvy side showing
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