LSU fans attending Saturday's home game vs. Auburn at the are encouraged to wear either purple or white depending which section they are sitting in to stripe out the PMAC. Per

Also, inside, the Maravich Center has been program into sections to Stripe The PMAC. Each section is designated either purple or white and will encourage our fans to participate by wearing that color to the game. Also the first 1,000 students will receive a free Maravich Maniacs t-shirt to wear at the game.
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Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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alumni9572 months
I suspect this will fail pretty spectacularly unless the shirts are provided. Even the “Gold Games” aren’t adhered to very well anymore.
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BayouBengal9972 months
Bitches gonna bitch
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Stingy72 months
Fans should encourage LSU to provide the shirts to stripe the PMAC.
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AustinKnight72 months
I second that sir. Multi million dollar athletic dept probably could help this happen probably cost them $1-2 a shirt in bulk from a company costing maybe $20,000 to try a promote an exciting basketball team moving into the future . But who uses business sense surely wouldn’t be a guy named Aleva.
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voodooidotwo72 months
Big game even though AU is not a top team anymore. This will get the tigers to 19 wins with a tough stretch coming
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otowntiger72 months
This is lame. For one thing the colors should be purple and gold, not white. And the sections are too big. It won't look very good on tv. To have more of visual impact the secions should be much smaller to actually make it looked 'striped'. THese are so big, it will only look like a couple big blocks.
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alumni9572 months
How about LSU/TAF not be so cheap and layout the $5 t-shirts on the seats before the game?
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TarponKing72 months
Yeah right
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MSTiger3372 months
Why not donate the shirts?
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Rex Feral72 months
Just one fan or all of them?
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