© Raj Mehta-USA TODAY Sports
NCAA President Mark Emmert announced Thursday that Division I men’s and women’s 2020 basketball tournaments, and all remaining winter and spring NCAA championships have been canceled.

NCAA cancels remaining winter and spring championships
March 12, 2020 4:07pm

Today, NCAA President Mark Emmert and the Board of Governors canceled the Division I men’s and women’s 2020 basketball tournaments, as well as all remaining winter and spring NCAA championships. This decision is based on the evolving COVID-19 public health threat, our ability to ensure the events do not contribute to spread of the pandemic, and the impracticality of hosting such events at any time during this academic year given ongoing decisions by other entities.

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Filed Under: LSU Basketball
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Spit54 months
How about all the alarmist just stay home for the next two months?
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CDawson54 months
I can't roll my eyes hard enough. This is the biggest hoax, well, since the impeachment and global warming.
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skullopener54 months
why don't u go hug a guy with the virus and find out if its a hoax!!
user avatar
SuckFickNaban54 months
Jesus christ... THEY TOOK OUR JOBS
user avatar
Im4LSUnTN54 months
Just as bad as overreacting with fear and anxiety toward the unknown, are people who put their ahead in the sand and refuse to know the scientific facts.
user avatar
Summer of George54 months
So fricking stupid. The body count better be 10s of thousands to justify this bs.
user avatar
skullopener54 months
i hope there is a virus that gets rid of all the stupids like you!!!
user avatar
ByUselves54 months
The sheep & lemmings are strong in this country.
user avatar
RoyalWe54 months
I declare LSU the National Champions. Good job, men.
user avatar
TigerMan7954 months
This is beyond stupid
user avatar
braindeadboxer54 months
I can't wait to make fun of idiots when this thing has blown over by May.
user avatar
HueyP54 months
Mid April
user avatar
BayouTiga54 months
Alot of stupid people out there right now. The decision to cancel the CWS at this juncture if for certain, the most frickING IDIOTIC of them all.
user avatar
SuckFickNaban54 months
A lot of dummies in this thread
user avatar
SuckFickNaban54 months
A lot of dummies in this thread
user avatar
Jam201198454 months
I suggest people research what’s going on in italy hospitals.
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Pepe Lepew54 months
Socialist medicine and open borders
user avatar
Tiger4life580354 months
What they’re doing is called flattening the curve dipshits. This sucks for everyone but it makes sense.
user avatar
Helicopter Richard54 months
Can someone post an appropriate email of NCAA? It needs to be done to inform them how much of sheeple and politically correct this BS is, and then a follow up email to rub it in when this dies down.
user avatar
Tigers4Lyfe54 months
And what will you do when many die? To heck with many, even one person?
user avatar
Helicopter Richard54 months
@Tigers4Lyfe... this website makes no sense. Other posts bashing this have been upvoted but mine downvoted... Tisk, tisk
user avatar
Genestealer5554 months
Thanks China
user avatar
skullopener54 months
Does that mean Football as well?
user avatar
Capo54 months
LSU is currently number 1 in: Beach Volleyball and Men’s and Women’s track, correct?
user avatar
CanebreakCajun54 months
The CWS is what? 2 months away? Stupid
user avatar
LSUBlitzkrieg54 months
3 months
user avatar
LSU82Cajun54 months
I look at it this way something potentially bad as the 1917-1920 Spanish Flu epidemic. My hometown graveyard has hundreds of people who died from the Spanish flu mostly infants and the elderly . Then President Wilson ignored the problem. Good precautions by Sports organizations. I hope to God it doesn’t get worst. I’m caring for my elderly sister and hell I’m 64.
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eddieray54 months
I gotta find a hobby
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JackieTreehorn54 months
I've never seen such panic over what is going to amount to a hill of beans.
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HoldThatTiger251154 months
Part of it is to stop the spread so it doesn’t become like this every year
user avatar
SuckFickNaban54 months
The annoying part is that these drastic precautionary measures are going to be what prevents it from being terrible and then dummies like you are going to come back in 2 months saying that it was an over reaction
user avatar
Helicopter Richard54 months
@suckficknaban This will not do anything. People still have to go the grocery, work, gas station, interact constantly. This is all propaganda for the people in charge to protect their money from being sued. An indirect way of greed really. People will still interact no matter if tournaments are cancelled. Sporting events make up probably less than 1% of interactions
user avatar
Unobtanium54 months
March Sadness.
user avatar
eugene1928LSU54 months
The scum gumps just claimed their first baseball and basketball championships, unless of course they have already "claimed" several of those at the turn of the 20th century. Screw the gumps
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