This Ump Suffered Greatly After The Pitcher Didn't Hear Him Stop Play
© Aaron Doster-USA TODAY Sports
Did he or did he not throw the ball on purpose after hearing the ump?

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loopback42 months
entire thing looks fake to me
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KickPuncher42 months
Its funny how the catcher doesn't even try to catch the ball. You also see the catch move his head slightly out of the way (not that the catcher was going to get hit anyway), so he saw it coming but didn't catch it. LMAO
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caliegeaux42 months
You gotta protect the McNuggets.
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CajunBullet42 months
ULM = Umpire Lives Matter, LOL!
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Yeah, that was on the ump.
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Will Munny42 months
He must have cleared the mechanism
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tigerpawl42 months
That was a very "girly" wave-off by the ump.
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mametoo42 months
100% the umps fault. He signals the pitcher to play,, who immediately starts his motion, then holds his hand up. The pitcher never saw it and time should not have been given. If the ump wanted time he should have called it loud and stepped away.
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arcalades42 months
never take your eye off the ball
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cwil17742 months
Dick move
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caleb0742 months
Why didn't the catcher catch it?
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