Thomas Pieters made headlines at the French Open this week because of his birdie putt on a par-five...
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Pieters somehow managed to get a re-do after having a brief discussion with a referee at Le Golf National. He told the referee that he had an accidental hit because he was distracted by something.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: Golf
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dcbl29 months
That is truly pathetic
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JackieTreehorn29 months
You have to play the ball as it lays. I had to hit it off Frankensteins fat foot remember?
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YMCA29 months
I’m no where near the golfing ability of these guys, but if I make a backswing and I'm behind the ball, I'm attempting to strike it. My practice swings/putts are made away from the ball.
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kywildcatfanone29 months
Yep, that was intentional. No honor among him
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AtlantaLSUfan29 months
I know if they accidentally tap the ball off the tee when waggling they get to re-tee without penalty. Didn’t realize if you accidentally tap a putt it’s the same rule. This was like a 4ft tap, should count.
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DeafVallyBatnR29 months
I think that is just a French thing. Nowhere in the world have I seen that not cost a stroke. Not that I have ever seen this.
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Skinny29 months
Judge Smails voice. Dont count that one i was interfeared with.
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Strannix29 months
Rule was changed
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