58-year-old golf legend John Daly revealed that he needed emergency surgery on Tuesday. It's unknown exactly what has happened, just that the two-time major champion posted a picture from his hospital bed on Instagram...

Thank you to Doc McClimans for getting me mended back! Should be hitting em again soon! Thx for all the messages

Filed Under: Golf
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SuperFanDan23 days
The chances of him making it out of his 50's id probably 50/50. The chances of him making it out of his 60's is probably 10%. Maybe less. Men that drink regularly to heavily for decades on end rarely see their 70th birthday
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atxfan28 days
He’s only 58?
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PeleofAnalytics28 days
The fact that he has made it this far is pretty impressive.
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Phase_428 days
Guess the state of the Arkansas athletics department got to him.
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MrWhipple28 days
Dr mentioned is orthopedic surgeon.
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duckblind5628 days
Love me some JD, but truth be known, what a waste of talent.
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Bayou29 days
What does the wall look like?
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JackieTreehorn29 days
Beer drinking hand
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Oilytiger2229 days
Hand surgery
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