Donald Trump Is Playing Golf With Jack Nicklaus & Tiger Woods Today
© Danny Wild-USA TODAY Sports
While everyone preps for tomorrow's Super Bowl LIII, President Donald Trump is in Florida with golf legends Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods...
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Filed Under: Golf
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Mr. Hangover72 months
Trump actually has a decent swing
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bamagreycoat72 months
I would have never thought Jack Nicklaus was a racist, alt-right, sexist, xenophobic, white supremacist, homophobic, bastard. He’s playing golf with literally hitler.
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Bige1172 months
You sir, are unhinged.
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chRxis72 months
Look, taking politics COMPLETELY out of it, I really dislike Trump, as a person, but to say he's on the same level as Hitler... c'mon man...
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Ripley72 months
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FratDaddyReb72 months
Get a load of the arse on that guy
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Bustedsack72 months
People who still don't get sarcasm, especially on TD, are the worst.
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Mr. Hangover72 months
It just wasn’t funny bro
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Bustedsack72 months
Why would Tiger play with a known racist? Hmmm
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Ragin Tiger172 months
“known racist”? Seriously?
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JustinT3772 months
According to Democrats all Conservatives are racists.
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atltiger648772 months
think for yourself, Bustedsack, don’t just swallow the talking points the media is feeding you.
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