Whether you think this is a home run or not, this catch is absolutely incredible...
© Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports
Whether you think this is a home run or not, this catch is absolutely incredible...
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Filed Under: General Sports
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RyneFrisco44 months
Those are clearly PVC pipes
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TX Tiger44 months
Rule used to be that if you left your feet and landed outside the field of play, it is no catch (thus a home run in this instance). Otherwise you could run up into the stands and make a legal catch. Don't know what the rule is now. From the looks of this, it must have been changed.
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chinhoyang44 months
I hope those aren't metal fence posts.
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jimmy the leg44 months
Are they trying to impale someone with that fence. WTF?
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WHS44 months
That fence is sketch AF!
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UGATiger2644 months
I don't see why it shouldn't be an out. If a baseball outfielder can jump and extend their glove above the fence to "steal" a home run, why is this any different?
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Kyrie Eleison44 months
Same rule as a foul; ball’s not dead until it hits the ground. That’s an out.
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