Akon's life is like a real life rap video. Here he is hooping it up with a bunch of ladies in bikinis and idea what's really going on here...

Filed Under: General Sports
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NYCAuburn78 months
is that an 8ft rim?
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wallowinit78 months
If that....
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Thracken1378 months
Doesn't matter had sex
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LSU FSU Grad78 months
A little fast and loose with the word ladies aren't you?
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Dr. Morgus78 months
One hit wonder
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CrimsonFever78 months
Real life Brazzers video.
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ItNeverRains78 months
KonLive owes me 1M that I’ll never see. frick Akon.
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TooFyeToFly78 months
It was worth watching just to hear that dude say "boomshakalaka" in that accent.
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Amazing Moves78 months
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TbirdSpur201078 months
Jesus, larry.
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ThaFreakyRobber78 months
Larry title = he "pooped it up"
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DownSouthCrawfish78 months
Trolling confirmed. Lol “Hooped it up.” No one talks like that.
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RamboMizzou78 months
"Played hooped it up". Gawd damn Larry, that is bad brother. What kind of gibberish is this?
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