Sharon Bishop, a high school Spanish teacher from Pawtucket, Rhode Island (who once sang backup for Barry Mainlow) was on Jeopardy! on Friday night. Sharon got off to a rough start with these sports answers...
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Despite those missteps, Sharon was able to pull herself together and actually took the lead into Final Jeopardy! with $17,000.

(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: General Sports
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scrooster14 months
Our species is doomed.
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idlewatcher14 months
lol that was funny
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LAhinguarst14 months
shite, get rid of the 4 minutes and a 12 second 50 yard dash is terrible as well lol.
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BurntOrangeMan14 months
TDS/mean tweets ate her brain.
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Basura Blanco14 months
I agree with Sharon that football as a whole should be considered a holiday
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Pedro14 months
As a track coach that last response gave me aids
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CCTider14 months
You sure that wasn't the glory hole?
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91TIGER14 months
To be fair, it might take Sharon 4 minutes to complete the 50 yard dash.
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