Florida State players had received their rings for winning the ACC Championship against Georgia Tech. They were pretty cool and the players loved them. However, offensive tackle Menelik Watson tweeted out a picture of his championship ring that bears the words “SEC Champs.” Check it out...

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Herb484139 months
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! That sucks.
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UFMatt139 months
The only way FSUcks will ever win an SEC championship. By mistake.
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wesman21139 months
Aaaaaaaaaand someone just lost their job
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Kentucker139 months
It's actually kind of cruel, don't you think? I mean, FSU so desperately wants to b in the SEC and all; and here comes this ring. Cruel, I say.
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Bama98139 months
Larry just got one step closer to the Purlitzer with this one. Well done.
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ShakeyTurtle139 months
Looks like Georgia Tech won 75 to 21
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foshizzle139 months
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otowntiger139 months
Looks like Georgia Tech won 75 to 21
Just gonna say the same thing! LOL!
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