Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders out here getting ready for that 2020 election...
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Filed Under: Boxing/MMA
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NPComb65 months
Looks like Ghazi shadow boxing
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ArkTiger5565 months
Somebody come get their uncle...
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Geauxldninja65 months
Almost got knocked out lol
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TT965 months
Socialism has a way of punching back.
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Cobb Dawg65 months
What an absolute, idiot loser. He's too stupid to know how stupid he is.
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gamecockman1265 months
Trump 2020!
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CanebreakCajun65 months
hopefully it knocked capitalism into, him socialist scum
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TaderSalad65 months
To think people want this guy running the country...
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WithaRebelYell65 months
Someone should just put a label over the speed bag "DNC"
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lsuohiofan65 months
Didn't have an actual job till he was 40 years old. Then he decided he wanted a government job.
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caliegeaux65 months
feel the bern!!!!! and then the punch!
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YardEngr1165 months
Sad old man. Nursing home next stop, not the White House.
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Cobb Dawg65 months
He couldn't run a nursing home.
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Wolfhound4565 months
Trump gonna knock that out in 2020. Fact.
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