Favorite team:South Carolina 
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Registered on:1/20/2013
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[quote]Paramount and CBS intend to *only* provide the Feeds via live streams with *no rewind or Flashback* available starting this season.[/quote] Between this and the cast it’s like they’re trying to tank their own ratings. ...

re: Rainbows are cool

Posted by Cockopotamus on 6/23/24 at 7:38 pm
It’s a shame that the sign of God’s covenant to not flood the earth again has been commandeered ...

re: Mario for Switch (For kids)

Posted by Cockopotamus on 6/23/24 at 11:34 am
3D is gonna have Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy so I would lean towards that but I don’t think they have multiplayer options. ...
[img]https://educationcontent.schwab.com/sites/g/files/eyrktu1071/files/WhiteBG_Market%20Timing.png[/img] [link=(https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/does-market-timing-work)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]is it true that when a latino women decides she loves you, it's for life?[/quote] No...
[quote]Well Southern Cal won the the trademark lawsuit against South Carolina.... So I don't think South Carolina is allowed to print "USC" apparel and merchandise.[/quote] Wrong. The universities have an agreement regarding the trademark for USC. The lawsuit you’re referring to was over the ...
[quote]It’s about clarity.[/quote] If your smooth brain can’t figure out which team someone is referring to through context then you have bigger issues than which acronyms other people decide to use. ...
[quote]They actually call themselves U of SC more than anything.[/quote] This is absolutely not true. This bullshite was started around 2018, everyone hated it, and thankfully the new president ended that retarded nonsense two years ago. Any self-respecting alum is gonna say USC or Carolina. ...
That program hasn’t been back to Omaha since we beat them twice in a row to eliminate them in 2010. This was their first time making it out of a regional since 2010. ...
[quote]Is there a date or anything they might wait for and it’s cheaper? Or can we rip the bandaid off now[/quote] I think June 1 was the date his buyout dropped. ...
[img]https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_fill,w_540,ar_9:10,f_auto,q_auto,g_auto/v1715260695/si/swim/SW051824_Upton[/img] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/HyDAt79JnlY4M/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952s2suzama2m0uyjnr6e6j5ay49j68cfdz82hdr5af&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img] [img...
[quote]Perhaps these folks feel hopeless and are living for the day and a moment of happiness. The reality is a large portion of this country is fricked with no real future prospects as their wages will never increase in a meaningful way. Thus they say frick it and YOLO on the here and now.[/quote] ...
[quote]Wild[/quote] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ca579b_682395080ed94dcca9b1fba6c8885f7c~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_743,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/ca579b_682395080ed94dcca9b1fba6c8885f7c~mv2.jpg[/img]...
[quote]I dont know what it is about her other than she feels forced as a hot, desert wandering fighter.[/quote] She always brings that sarcastic, nihilistic, I don’t give a frick attitude to every character she plays and I thought it was out of place for Chani ...
[quote]Why did it end with Chani rested bitch face?[/quote] She’s probably gonna be the hero in the third movie. *spoilers from book 3* I can see them having her as the Preacher and Paul as Leto II trying to stick to the Golden Path. I almost thought he was gonna say it when he said he cou...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/ryY8MNtZ/Screenshot-20240207-210743-Chrome.jpg[/img] The media picked this team to finish last in the SEC. ...
[quote]16-inch blade[/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952kcqzf5erijfb3uw2oe23hbq3yitdh0q4440dgjf0&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...