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re: UK Bans New Drilling in North Sea

Posted by redbaron on 7/11/24 at 5:05 pm
Evolution? Titan?...
[quote]surely they can require them to adhere to certain conditions of employment[/quote] Didn't the Supreme Court just nullify non-complete clauses...?...
[quote]It is counter intuitive but from high school chemistry water has a molecular weight of 18 and nitrogen and oxygen (which is most of the atmospheric gases) are 28 and 32 respectively.[/quote] Ok, but that's not the whole story- if it was, wouldn't liquid water be in the upper atmosphere? ...

re: Houston baws. Y’all holding up?

Posted by redbaron on 5/18/24 at 3:42 pm
I’m at 11th/Studewood. No power as of an hour ago. Luckily my boss is in Spring, and is letting my family (pregnant wife and 1 yo) stay with him....
[quote]Lone Star Beer[/quote] "National Beer of Texas" They are acing the marketing......
[quote]Some guy in Singapore: gorzirraaaaaaa[/quote] * it’s pronounced “Gojiraaaaaa”...
[quote]"There is a large troop of monkeys in the village, including four adults who have been involved in attacks in the past one week. Two of them have been rescued. Efforts are on to cage another," Chaudhary said, per PTI.[/quote][quote]Two of them have been rescued[/quote][quote]rescued[/quote] ...

re: Downtown BR sounds like Fallujah

Posted by redbaron on 9/13/23 at 6:30 am
"All lives matter"- Carolyn Coleman (around the 2:50 mark) She 'bout to get cancelled! ...
[quote]most goods produced by the US especially major commodities are hit with tariffs worldwide by other nations. You do realize the US could never compete with China and India in steel production for example due to low wages and virtually no environmental regulations? What do you think destroyed t...
[quote]How badly are these homes built that they can’t survive a couple of months of only getting wet 2x/week?[/quote] Lot of clay in Houston, and it shrinks when the ground stays dry....

Rotating work schedule- children

Posted by redbaron on 8/21/23 at 12:56 pm
May have a good career opportunity requiring a 21/21 rotation. Catch is that I have a 6-month old at the house, and my wife has a full time job. In addition to future career doors being opened, I’m expecting the increased pay to cover the cost of hiring help on nights/weekends when I’m working. ...
[quote]Phoneutria[/quote] Faux nutria?! That looks nothing like Tanden!...

re: 3/5 are foreign citizens in the sub

Posted by redbaron on 6/22/23 at 4:12 pm
At what point does compressibility become significant?...
On the list. Dad has two degrees. Mom has two degrees, and was a registered nurse before becoming a medical doctor…...
I thought my transmission had given out on a road trip. Got it towed to an auto shop expecting an estimate that would total the car. They flushed out the fluid, lots of sediment. They figured that was choking the flow to where the transmission couldn’t shift; after replacing the fluid it was fine...
Particulates in the air ignited? Boiler got over pressured?...
[quote]I'll be patient and find something that really interests me and be picky for the time being.[/quote] This. Going on 11 years at current company. Moved to sales 4 years ago and am covering double the accounts and triple the revenue since then. Raises I have gotten don’t cover inflation d...
Good strategy, seeing as she likes blowing steam up her vajayjay...

re: IRS hasn't issued tax refund

Posted by redbaron on 3/13/23 at 8:32 pm
I’ll note that every number I’ve found has had me go through an automated menu (“Press 1 for English” etc). Ends with thanking me for calling, before hanging up on me. Haven’t gotten to talk to anyone yet. Any ideas on how to make that happen?...