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Registered on:5/19/2011
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The best part of Paulie Walnuts was they say he kind of wasn't even acting. Tony Sirico was basically playing himself :lol:
The Sopranos is one of the overall funniest shows ever put out there. It's an incredible comedy

But then again I couldn't stand Paulie as a character

MSU Deer Lab will help you for free
WFH government employee =/= WFH private sector

Government employees have almost zero accountability beyond being present.

Private sector must deliver value add to the company or be fired. If you are delivering outstanding work product on a timely basis and continuing to grow in your developmen
been using exclusively fenix in the hunting woods for years. Badass lights
I'm moving there in 16 could've been me :usa:

re: State Record Typical?

Posted by DirtyMikeandtheBoys on 12/11/24 at 9:59 am
They don't all do it. These baws are infinitely more impressive than every/any other TV/internet whitetail hunter out there.

THP Youtube

re: State Record Typical?

Posted by DirtyMikeandtheBoys on 12/9/24 at 11:39 am
No difference than a high fence deer. 20k acres highly managed and restricted. That buck was cattle. Sure it "could" have left, but guess what it didn't because it had no reason to and they made sure of that by farming him. And if it had left, no shot they were going to hunt him down on the WMA. The
1. Washington - freed us from tyranny
2. JFK - tried to free us from tyranny
3. Trump - will free us from tyranny
4. Teddy - just an incredibly inspirational human being

And how many presidents have served in your lifetime?

Reagan - neutral
Bush Sr - warmongering globalist piece of shite
My favorite thread of the year :nana:

An with the unequivocal mandated death of wokeness 2 weeks ago I'm anticipating for this year's to be particularly fun
Got a 5-10 year old (idk) Samsung top load that started leaking on me.

I checked all my connections and they're dry as a bone. Looked underneath and it looks like the water is coming over the top of the drum maybe when it's being filled? The drum and paneling is all dripping. Water coming from u
Vote correctly this week and RFKjr will fix this
Hope he makes it a Protect our Parks episode :rotflmao:
They say in 2 years Starlink will just be an app directly on your phone, no receiver dish needed. Can't wait