Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:77
Registered on:11/6/2010
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Or maybe they knew in advance that this boom was likely??...
Biscuits, Bimbos, and Bandiads: The Implosion of Mount Zion...

re: USF has fired Jeff Scott

Posted by frozentiger on 11/7/22 at 10:53 am
Watch for Gruden, yes that Gruden, to be invovled. Needs to get back in the game and lives there. Nice quiet rentry relative to anything NFL related. I've got folks telling me there may be mutual interest....
This guy is too good to keep as a OC for long, with these presentation/interview skills he is going to be a hot item soon if they can stay out of their own way next year. Asst-head coach here hopefully!...

re: ZVR declares for NFL Draft

Posted by frozentiger on 1/3/21 at 8:34 pm
Stop with futurecastin' bout in comings. Zvr is one of a kind and my F'in hero. Stay in school, playing sports competively, as long as you can...and chase college leg. It - does - not - get - better. But when it's run it's course it is time to move on. More tigers in league. Thanks Z...
My god children, get you some sense. Text her saying you know yall have date but it's lsu vs Bama and you got a crew thats kicking it off early, bring your girls. Grab some dudes, buy a bottle or some buckets and hope they show. If not you won't remember by kick off. I'm going back to school yet ag...
Great timed thread. I spent about 4 hours yesterday googling on a similar question, are Dentist allowed to do and sign off on school and youth sport physical exams? Y'all can write scripts and the statutes state you should perform physical exams before oral surgery and/or anesthesia but nothing I...

re: West Palm Beach fishing advice?

Posted by frozentiger on 6/9/20 at 11:38 pm
Drive up to jupiter, 15 min, and go with black dog or one of the other crews out of the square grouper (castaways) marina. Even if you don't catch, doubt it lately, you can always belly up at one of the best bars in america...
I've logged in my one time every six months to declare this pretty frickin' horrible. This guy makes a living with stuff like this? The white skinned CEH was nail in coffin. But was a big NO even before noticing that...almost immediately. I'm almost thinking he made everyone white as a publicity ...
One of my best friends was his partner in the MLGT event they talk about in the article. Says he was legit nuts. Thought it was a joke at first and then his rants just kept going and going and then he started hitting everything he could swing at ...other than the ball. ...
Have met Cline's normal pilot golfing and he is an older guy who I wouldn't think was drinking or at least alot. Plus they fly that nearly daily to bring supplies and crew to Grand, he knows it like back his hand. They were there because he was rebuilding a massive mansion on a smaller island next t...
Rickie Casey Garcia Stenson Connors Mitchell Singh...
2008 NC reunion and putting Tebow in the ring of fame. Going to be a tough ticket for a purple and gold wearing tiger that day. Get em early. Guess they need something for their folks to cheer about...
They gonna get "the shuga". Ask any ED or internist in NO area about those folks. So sweet. ...

re: Pels v Clippers MAKE IT 9

Posted by frozentiger on 3/6/18 at 10:39 pm
That wasnt ribs, AD got hit in the kidney. Mickey Ward put down a bunch of guys with a left to the same spot. He'll be fine in 30 min. ...
Thanks beauchris, good feed Pooka fast!...
Want to get my kids programming and a couple of the programmers in my company pointed me to Kano. Looks to be a few years old, anyone here know of a better starter tool that's come out recently? Just being sure I'm not missing out on the next big thing. Don't want my kids thinking I'm the next AD...
"Where da gold at?" Its on that damned landlocked piece of land mo one can get to, thats where! Soccerfut im crying im laughing so hard...
was just being discussed by M Spears on radio. CP, Boogie and Brow. Now we're talking. I'll watch the NBA again...