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Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:3078
Registered on:6/27/2010
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It was really well done, better than most of the recent ones that have felt somewhat forced. Africa really brings out the best in them. I got pretty emotional towards the end of it. I've been watching these 3 old codgers do ridiculous stunts with cars and travel the world for 2/3 of my life. The...

re: Feels like a loss

Posted by weaveballs1 on 9/14/24 at 3:19 pm

re: Help With Italy Itinerary in Oct

Posted by weaveballs1 on 9/7/24 at 10:36 am
[quote]If you've never been to Oktoberfest, you could head to Munich for a day or two! [/quote] Yeah lemme just hop on over :lol: I have been, in 2019. Great time, would go again, probably not for this trip. Appreciate the replies. Leaning towards just staying in Milan Sun-Tues, day tripping ...

re: Help With Italy Itinerary in Oct

Posted by weaveballs1 on 8/30/24 at 9:04 am
[quote]VABuckeye[/quote] You're a well traveled dude and I respect your opinions here. Thanks for replying. You think 2 days in Como and 1 in Florence would be the way to do it? My gut feeling was to not spend too much time in Milan, so appreciate you confirming. This is coming together kind ...

re: Help With Italy Itinerary in Oct

Posted by weaveballs1 on 8/30/24 at 9:00 am
Buca Mario is in Florence? Will definitely check it out. I think our group might be slightly larger than that, but it's nice to have options. Thank ya. ...

Help With Italy Itinerary in Oct

Posted by weaveballs1 on 8/29/24 at 3:39 pm
Hey folks, I have a wedding in Bologna the weekend of October 5th. There will be a large contingency of folks flying from the US with the general itinerary being to arrive and leave out of Milan from Sept. 29th-Oct 6th. The only thing we have set in stone is to be in Florence the Wednesday before th...

re: 3 night stop in Europe

Posted by weaveballs1 on 7/21/24 at 1:01 am
[quote]Lisbon would be a good choice, cheaper than any of the cities you listed.[/quote] This is the answer. Go to Lisbon over any of those other cities with Rome as the 2nd choice. Barcelona 3rd. Stay away from Paris, those people will be even worse after dealing with the olympics...
I normally just say I'm good and keep on walking and that's the end of it. I was in the electronics section the other day and one of the frickers just appeared next to me when I was looking at monitors. It was like this: [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor...
[quote]Biden campaign saying he has a cold[/quote] Yeah a brain cold...
I've used SkyLux twice and it's been fine both times. It's been awhile, but I wouldn't hesitate to use it again....
Idk what I was expecting when I clicked this, but it wasn't a surprisingly catchy song about not huffing gas :lol:...
Where's the guy that's been saying this was 2010...
Wofford pitcher looks like a cop...