Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Broome, Western Australia
Occupation:Helicopter Maintenance
Number of Posts:473
Registered on:2/16/2010
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re: What "language" is Australian?

Posted by ChanBenoit on 2/28/20 at 7:08 am
They struggle with the letter "R", for example hamburger is hambuhguh. For some, No and So somehow have multiple syllables and end in R.

Words are pluralized that shouldn't be.

The abbreviation of words is ridiculous to the point that in some cases it's easier to say the actual word. I was of
It’s over the South Pole. It’s effects can be felt in the Southern states of AUS, where skin cancer is a huge problem. I also thought it was bullshite until I arrived in Perth a few years ago. A couple of hours in the sun unprotected is like 8-10 hrs in La.
Treat it like any other game and stop with the rah rah bullshite.

re: OT Choose Your Own Adventure

Posted by ChanBenoit on 6/11/19 at 1:06 am

Keilah Kang



A 6-pack costs $95 over there.

No it doesn't.

$50 AUD on average for a carton (case)
Roughly $35 USD
The transistion from “Dad knows everything” to “Dad’s a freakin moron” is pretty tough to take.


The last one is moving out in two weeks and the Mrs. and I are going to Thailand in June, so I’m over it.

re: Driving In Australia

Posted by ChanBenoit on 3/14/19 at 2:58 am


The hardest adjustment for me was to avoid signalling my turns with my windshield wipers

I moved to Aus two years ago. You can tell the North Americans in town, because we have the cleanest windshields!

Bandido state

This. There’s only one MC in La. The rest are considered RCs and must be sanctioned.

This is how I picture the poster.

I pictured Brendan Dassey.

early entry players

Fournette and Adams should get plenty of PT.
So back to back April Heismans for Auburn. Sweet.

After DiNardo was fired he went to Indiana for about 4 years but was fired.

He replaced Cam Cameron at Indiana. :lol:

Heck we probably beat them that year too

To this day, Brodie Croyle checks under his bed for Chad Lavalais.

boycott Yuengling

Bet they don't boycott Dingaling
Well you have to get an early start nowadays for all of those tool and pantry reveal shower parties.
This is like that movie "Room" where the little kid has no idea there is a huge world outside of the box he's been living in.
Purple home jerseys to me represent a really crappy time in LSU football, so yes.
Have you been to Houston lately?


Posted by ChanBenoit on 9/25/16 at 12:12 pm

Face it, LSU will be lucky to have a winning season this year!