Favorite team:Arkansas 
Interests:Football, NASCAR
Occupation:Screen Printing
Number of Posts:13
Registered on:11/22/2009
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As long as nutt is there.... notta chance! may nutt live long and think he prospers... at the university of mississippi :violin:...
Who is Elton John? :rotflmao:...
I am not and X and O person.... but as for your last game versus us..... 1. Mallet is coming back.... so if he stays healthy this game will be tough for LSU 2. Arkansas thinks of AR vs LSU as a rivalry game of sorts.... we dont actually have one so we improvise with yall! 3. Petrino > Mi...
As a Hogs fan... I am not sure about your fan base as a whole.... but I believe that all our fan bases have jerks in them... and with the internet and message boards and 24 hour sports newtworks... we see them more..... It may be that we have always had them... and did not know it.... or it ...
[quote]WMS is a shite hole. quote] Most of us Hogs Fans agree about WMS.... I really wish they would move the LSU game to Fayetteville.... its a lot closer to my house and tons nicer....
I hope they move the LSU game to Fayetteville... wms is a dump and most of our "fans" there are already drunk from the golf course before they get to the game.... I appologize for our fans there..... I paid 40 bucks to park at wms and then got a 30 dollar ticket for parking illegal! hacked me...
It should continue... they are all sophmores! Nutt left us ... nuttin!...
I agree on the rivalry sorta.... when we were in the swc we were rivals with texas... and we hated them.... Its hard to hate yall cuz we used to cheer for you til se came in the SEC.... but the games always seem to be close! of course... its a whole lot better when we win! :rotflmao:...

re: Tiger Stadium Mass Exodus 2009

Posted by RazorbackFan14 on 11/29/09 at 5:31 pm
In reply to: re: Tiger Stadium Mass Exodus 2009 (Posted on 11/29/09 at 1:48 p.m. to labamafan) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just found that entertaining. As if the state of Arkansas is the booming business center of the South. -----...
Thanks... I live by two simple rules! 1. I never borrow anything I cant pay cash for if I break it..... and 2. We can be friends 364 Days a year.... hence I waited until today to make my post! LOL...
As a die hard Hogs fan... it grieves me to lose.... but it was a great game.... Both teams seem to me to have played hard from start to finish.... neither team took a round off.... Both teams made some mistakes... but it was fun! I just hope Coach Petrino uses a scholly to get us a kicker tha...
Unfortunately for us... that is true.... I hope our Good team shows up!...
This is my first post here.... and as a Razorback fan I must confess that I am not so good with X and O's in football.... I hope this is a great game. It is refreshing to think that we have a chance to win this game. The past few years it was clear if we won it would be a huge upset. I believe th...