Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:38
Registered on:9/27/2009
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The people calling for Lee are out of their minds. Lee is done, Les hung him out to dry and he got his bell rung. Its JJ and RS from here out....
[quote]Miles has got to be the luckiest SOB alive[/quote] He is a damn good recruiter and he wins on his talent I spite of his horrible gameday coaching....
I just had a heart attack. I'm dead. Bury me dead. :geauxtigers: ...
Run, run, run. Protect the ball and run. O-line, step up. Let's crush then :geauxtigers: ...
We should have mopped the floor with Georgia. This is ridiculous....
O line has to man up and start crushing the Georgia D....
Awesome vomit shot. Thanks CBS....
We're killing ourselves. ...
Up the middle, option to the short side, option to the short side, punt....
Jeeze. Where's that douche screaming how we have to apologize to Miles for all the shitty play-calling now?...