Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:5041
Registered on:8/15/2009
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re: El Salvador just eradicated MS-13

Posted by GoT1de on 2/28/23 at 3:48 pm
[quote]El Salvador just put their political enemies in prison and cultivated a new generation of impending political violence[/quote] They were always going to be enemies anyway. Looks like they gave up trying to change hearts and minds of gangs. A 40,000 inmate El Salvador prison must be somethi...
So glad she travels to her protests in her donkey cart. ...
Stanley-Black & Decker ( new company name) acquired MTD mowers, which offers Cub Cadet, MTD, Troy Bilt etc. That company owns a lot of brand names. ...
I think the "policy" is designed to keep the concrete circle around the monument clear. Every time I've been to the mall there were small protests, tee pees, flag vendors, petition tables etc. scattered all over, and every one would probably like to set up where all the walkways intersect at the mo...
Google says Ann has been engaged several times but never married. This is not surprising. ...
[quote]Bart Starr sucked[/quote] The Hall of Fame and Vince Lombardi think your brain injury may be permanent....

re: Dean Martin was the coolest

Posted by GoT1de on 1/28/23 at 5:13 pm
Matt Helm was the g.o.a.t. cold war ultra spy....
[quote]I agree Fort Desoto Park has the best beach if you dislike the commercialized Clearwater beach.[/quote] Also Desoto has an increasingly rare Florida dog beach....
[quote]And alas. I am forever in gratitude for the greatest lesson of my life – regardless of any challenges or obstacles,[/quote] So, alas, this woman knows drama. She's unhappy she has to be grateful? [quote]a·las /?'las/ exclamation an expression of grief, pity, or concern. [/quot...

re: Buckeye Burrow

Posted by GoT1de on 1/24/23 at 7:20 pm
[quote]Another supposed grown man that does nothing but troll. Grow the frick up, all of you. You dumb fricking trolls have ruined this board. Your constant craving for and needing attention speaks alot of your inferior masculinity. Admin would do this board well be just enforcing a few rules.[/quo...
Wait, Pell grants already did this. Well, that's what they said....
2 do si do's, 1 box samoas, and a box thin mints is proper....
shite I hate it when I'm right. I estimate the kickback$ to congress members who voted to give away billions of our money, at 23.8%. frick....
That's it. Anybody that has driven through DC should have their home raided. Not that it would matter.. Since Hillary took bleach and a sledge hammer to hard drives, classified doesn't mean that much apparently....
The manure sticks to your cleats....
I once knew an outersectional climate kook named Wilma. She was not a white male and no idea if she also sniffed dog farts....