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You are not as casual as casual gets if you have a gaming PC. Sorry.
I am talking about the people who don't go to gaming forums or twitch.

I don't disagree that the game sucks. But it is not dead.

re: In your opinion, biggest MMORPG flop

Posted by Mystery on 1/29/25 at 1:42 pm

Star Wars Galaxies should have been much better

Favorite MMO ever before the combat upgrade or whatever it was called.

WOW killed that game sadly.

how the hell is there still a player base for Suicide Squad? I haven't heard shite about that game since launch.

It was Free this month for PS plus members. Only reason.
Same for Need for Speed.
Steam is such a small factor in any of this though.

Console is king for COD. Battlenet is 2nd.

Everything Ive read is that BO6 has fallen off quicker than in years past.

Because it has on steam. But it also launched much better than last year on steam. I worded my previous post bad but my point was the current player count is still similar.

Steam is easily tracked


Did you read the asterisk from the chart you posted? They're including activity from four different CoD games into one total

It would be much more interesting to see how each title stands on its own.

It is included because that is how COD is now, everything is launched from the

It’s still lost a huge amount of its players. It’s of course anecdotal, but I don’t know a single person that still plays

It has. But it is still far from a "dead game:"
I am not sure how your friend group matters to this.
Me and 4 guys play ranked multi multiple times a week. W

Damn this has already lost 60%?

The game is still very popular. The PC community just lives in their own world.

It does have a huge cheater problem. Which keeps streamers from wanting to play it. And it has taken a huge hit but it still is very popular on console.
It is still the most played game on PS and Xbox. Steam and twitch numbers are not everything.
NG3 was 10 years ago by now.

Their more recent games like RotR and Noih1/2 are better than any combat that platinum games has done, in my opinion.

I say this not knowing anymore than just seeing the announcement of a co-developer.
Ninja Gaiden and platinum games. I am not sure how I feel about that.
I hope they are not doing the combat. I wasn't a huge fan of Nier type combat.

Edit: rather Team Ninja.

We are currently 70 million over the cap for 2025 with probably the oldest roster in the nfl. The next team is only 30 million over the cap.

It's actually not the oldest roster.

We do have some old big names. David, Jordan, etc.

But we are about league average in age. Becaus
Relax a bit. I was just addressing one small comment somebody made for lack of memory. You are not the only person to have read this book.


Aragorn randomly found &gave the Hobbits blades when they were at Weathertop.

I know this and stated this earlier. But the Hobbits lose t
I don't even know what you are arguing about. What me and the pervious poster were addressing have nothing to do with your comments.

To be clear I never once stated Eowyn did not kill the Witch King. She finishes him off in both the movie and book.

But it is a fact that the barrow-down bla
[quote]The Dunedain crafted the blade which Merry used to stab the Witch King. And because it was crafted long ago, it was specifically made to inflict injury upon such dark & magical forces.

A normal blade would have had little if any effect.

But by distracting the Witch King it allowed Eowyn

re: The PS5 Pro coming 11/7 at $699

Posted by Mystery on 9/26/24 at 11:30 am
So, I had to reset in the que because my browser was not letting me check out. There was still Pros left as of 15 minutes ago. I was able to get one.
[quote] Hastily posting on my phone and brain fart.

I guess I don't remember the movie as well as I thought even though I've seen them probably 10 times. In the books Merry strikes him down with the blade Tom gave him and Eowyn just does kind of a finishing blow to the face. Does Merry take him t

re: The PS5 Pro coming 11/7 at $699

Posted by Mystery on 9/26/24 at 9:54 am
I am stuck at the place order scren

What about when Jackson changed source material by having a girl kill Saruman instead of Mary? Never saw fans complain about that swap.

He did what now?
Do you mean the Witch King?
It happened much like the books, although the movies did give it some cheese.
Merry breaks the spe

re: The PS5 Pro coming 11/7 at $699

Posted by Mystery on 9/26/24 at 9:21 am
Possibly, depends on how much stock they have. Seems the people who are getting in are the ones who luckily checked the site when the que started early.

I was an hour early but joined at the pause.