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Registered on:4/2/2024
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And you're creating the world your children and grandchildren will live in. And so on so forth. And guess what, you're not doing anything different than the boomers or any other generation before them ever did. Everyone is just doing the best they can for themselves. Stop whining about ...
[quote]I'm just laughing at someone for hating single women. Yes, women get some advantages that a white male doesn't, but to hate on a white woman, calling them "special" and grouping them in with special needs and LGBT is just ridiculous.[/quote] I'm not seeing any "hate." What are you talkin...
[quote] On no how will they ever survive without raising costs[/quote] How simple are you?...
[quote]ingle women are "special" -- just like POC, Special Needs, Trans, LGQT++zzzz and Martians. They ALL qualify for priority Job / Privilege Status. What [/quote] I mean, all of those groups do get special treatment. They all have their own scholarships dedicated solely to them. Gover...
[quote]Maybe the boomers will start paying attention to societal issues now since it's effecting home prices.[/quote] People complaining about boomers is just as dumb and out of touch as boomers complaining about millineals. ...
[quote] I use circle back all the time. But I was using it before it was cool[/quote] It was never cool...
[quote]is Sarah your wife?[/quote] If only a woman of her caliber would have me. ...
[quote]Not saying everyone here uses it. But guaranteed there are posters here that use the hard R version and they’re trashy, low IQ bottom feeders[/quote] Does that only apply to white people that use it or can we call black people that use it trashy, low IQ bottom feeders too?...
[quote]lmao so bc people are bad drivers the other drivers are allowed to stalk, threaten them and call them racial slurs?[/quote] Maybe, maybe people would be more considerate and pay a bit more attention it this type of behavior was allowed. ...
[quote]You 100% use it. You sure are trying to justify it. [/quote] I don't know man, I'm pretty trashy and I don't use it. I don't know anyone that uses it either. Except for black people of course. I'm curious, do you demand that black people and nearly every rapper justify their use of ...
The militarization of police is absurd. ...
[quote]So what is your solution for the lower class? Besides "don't be lower class[/quote] What do you mean by "solution for the lower class?" Are you saying we should just not have a lower class? ...
How come no one is asking how terrible this girl was driving to push that nice lady over the edge and force her to use such colorful language? ...
[quote]Took me a full five minutes to find a picture of her.[/quote] She hot?...